+10 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 2: The Twins

Sage was freaking out, she was supposed to be watching the twins while they all were doing some mining.

"They couldn'tve gotten far, Adonis," she said, snooping around for any footprints but failing to find any. "You better hope not. They are YOUR responsibility!" Lectured Adonis.

Preston was helping Sage by using his snout to sniff of the twins. Wayne tried listening for any steps that would be in the distance, but they all were beating dead sheep trying to find two people in an overwhelmingly ginormous ravine.

Adonis was helping, too. He just... Couldn't do anything. He didn't know who his nether parent was, as his mom never told him, and all the other members had specific marks that represented their parent, but he didn't. He was an enigma, and yet he was the leader. He couldn't do anything to help his team... He felt utterly useless.

"Ugh... This is taking forever! This just makes me want to... AGH!" exclaimed Sage, blasting a pitifully small fireball at the ground.

The fireball revealed the footprints of 2 pairs of feet.

"Hey guys, I found something!" Called Sage, and all the members grouped around her. "See? Hidden footprints!"

"Wow!" Said Preston, gawking at Sage. "You're so cool, Sage!". She just smiled to herself, "I know.". The footprints led along the same ledge they pranced on, but ended on a cliff. Adonis looked worried, as did the other members. This could only mean one thing.

"They JUMPED?!" Sage blurted out, squeezing between the boys and bending over the ledge. "No! No, no, this is a joke. This is a joke!" She said over and over again. She started to laugh hysterically.  "Haha! Yes, their dad's the wither god, Withnor, they may have just use their power to glide down. Yes..."

Adonis put his hand on her shoulder. "This is a steep jump. They never practiced using their powers to the fullest, Sage. Maybe they got hurt—"

"Will you start being optimistic for once?!" Snapped Sage, moving his hand off her. "Just because you don't have powers doesn't mean other people don't know how to control theirs!" Her skin was starting to break out into several lava-yellow cracks. "I—I'm sorry Sage! I was just—"


"...You're right. I shouldn't be one to talk." He turned around and walked away, wiping his face covered with silent tears. He didn't even know why he was named Adonis. He wasn't worthy of a name so powerful, a name only given to someone who was a full-blooded nether prince, who knew who their god parent was and embodied the other half of them. But Adonis, the person, did not meet the category of Adonis, the name. He was just a boy of 14, without any powers and who acted like he carried a team who really carried him.

And that's when he heard giggles.

The giggles were coming from the dark part of the ravine, which was on a lower section. Adonis wanted to follow these giggles, as they sounded oddly familiar.

He had to parkour across the two levels, which was the only thing he felt he was good at.

It was easy, from lands 6 blocks apart. He didn't know if that was a gift or a skill, but he needed something to gloat about. Once he made the jump, he brushed off his hands and walked slowly toward the giggling noise. "Hello?" He said, his voice echoing through the hollow, pitch black cave. A bat flew out of nowhere and made Adonis jump. "Good null!" He exclaimed.

The giggles became full out laughter. "Listen, whatever you thinks funny, it's really not! Come out wherever you are and face me like a square!" 


 He was frustrated. One moment he's contemplating whether or not he's as useless as a block of coal, and the next moment he's chasing giggles and laughter. It was probably all his imagination, too! He sighed and turned around to leave when he nearly hopped out of his skin once more.

"Boo!" Said Winnie, popping out of literally nowhere. She howled laughing when she saw the look on her friends face. "That's not funny! Totally not funny! I thought you were dead!"

"Dead? Dead! Why would I be dead, Donny?" She asked. Donny was the nickname he gave Adonis, which sometimes made him made because it reminded him of some kind of Skyborn.

"Never mind that, where's your brother?" He asked irritably. She giggled once more, "You're gone have to find him!" And ran out of the cave, most likely to scare the others.

"UGHH! They're so annoying!" Adonis bellowed as he stomped around the cave trying to find Webner. He checked all 1x1 block corners and even almost got lost inside the big cave trying to find the child, but he had no luck. "WEBNER!" He boomed, "IF YOU DON'T COME OUT RIGHT NOW, I'M LEAVING YOU IN HERE!"

He heard another fit of giggles, which completely set him off. His eyes started to glow a blinding white, and when he threw his hands down, blocks got thrown into the air. His voice was baritone when he spoke now, "WEBNER!" He boomed once more, quaking the gravel and stone beneath him. Webner fell out of a cave pocket way above Adonis. When he saw Adonis, he was terrified of what was looking back at him. In those eyes he saw nothing but pure evil. He saw his worst fear play out gradually inside of those pure-whites that shined.

But Adonis stopped being angry, and the ground ceased to shake. The cave blocks fell into their rightful place and his eyes stopped portraying fear.

"There you are! Where were you?" He asked as if nothing was wrong. Webner could not answer, he was shook and too terrified to speak. "What's wrong with you? I'm not even that scary! Your sister didn't act this way when she saw me."

"Wha—....What was that?!" Webner managed to spit out. "What was what? Come on, we need to meet up with the others... Or do you want me to carry you, like always?"

Webner shook his head vigorously. "Seriously, what is up with you?" Adonis laughed.

It seemed as though he truly did not recall what just happened. And Webner didn't think that he would believe him if he told him.

And Webner forgot, as well. When you're an 8 year old with ADHD, it's pretty easy.

But that would always stay in the back of his mind. The way his fears played out in the eyes of someone he looked up to would never, ever leave him.

End of Chapter 2.

Hey! Hope you guys enjoyed that! I put more effort into making it, since I had more time. Lemme know what you guys think!

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
by (526k points)

Thank you for commenting on previous chapters a-=D

0 votes
by (544k points)
I think Adonis'  non human half is Herobrine!

If you think about it it makes sense.
by (526k points)

Hmmm, interesting guess.

You'll have to read more and see...


0 votes
by (147k points)

aaah this is now Wingfeather

am fangirling over this fanfiction so far.

What would your power be, Nobi?

aha mine would be turning into a dragon /j

by (526k points)
mine would be the power of probability. Saw this on a video.

The probability that I will win every contest and challenge is 100%. Now there's no way I will lose.

The probability that I can fly is 100%. Now I'm superman.



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