+10 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 5: The Jig

The voice that boomed through the entire vault and shook the entire building was painfully penetrating the ears that they were intended for.

Wayne winced, his ears being very sensitive. Both him and Adonis quickly dropped the gold out of their inventory and fell to their knees.

"What do you want from us?" Yelled Adonis, not sure who or what he was yelling at. "For you to be out of my hair," replied the strong voice. Adonis scrunched up his face in confusion, recognizing the voice at the last syllable made. "Igor? The bald illager that runs the Badlands? What hair do we need to be out of, 'cause it sure isn't yours!" He laughed, making Wayne giggle as well. "This is the exact reason why—NEVERMIND! You and your little coup de tau' will regroup and be led to my quarters, where your fate will be decided at once. And I and NOT bald!" Igor added angrily. 

Adonis scoffed in humour, and got off the floor. He wiped off the knees of his pants and went over to help Wayne up. "Wow boss! Only you can sit there and joke around with someone like that!" Wayne said, looking up at Adonis. "Thanks, Wayne..." They looked at each other's eyes for a while. Then Adonis blurted, "Let's find the others. The jig seems to be up now." He gave Wayne his hand and attempted to pull him up, but when Wayne pulled up Adonis fell right down. "Are you okay?" Asked Wayne concernedly. "..I'm aight.." He grunted back.

Just then, pillagers stormed in along with their savage ravagers, aiming their bows straight at the heads of them both. Adonis and Wayne's hands shot up to mean no harm, but one of there hands stayed together, even when transported to the air. Yes. They were holding hands.

Adonis quickly shook Wayne's hand off of his and declared, "You don't need to point those things at us. We're not here to hurt you guys."

The pillagers looked offended. "We're not afraid of you juveniles! You deserve to be punished more than you have!" One of them spat.

The others marched to them and put their hands behind their backs forcefully, tying what seemed to be hexed string around them. Adonis could feel a crossbow being aimed at the back of his head, a cage ready to release it's killer animal if necessary.

"Let's move!" Called someone who looked like the Commander Chief. The pillagers and their prisoners trotted along the path to the President's quarters. As they moved along, Adonis started to worry about the others. They couldn't afford to be separated. He looked back towards Wayne, who had a blank look on his face, staring at the abyss once more. Adonis knew that Wayne was trying to hide his fear, but he couldn't fool Adonis.

Once they were at the quarters of Igor, the twin were led inside by the violent pillagers. They went up 4 flights of stairs, Wayne having to bend over a bit to fit inside the doors. Adonis could finally see the others, also tied by the hands and with a crossbow at their necks.

But he could also see Igor giving him the most malicious death stare anyone could withstand. "So, the gang is all here, eh?" He said in his, now, not so loud but very rough voice.


3 Answers

0 votes
Wayne and Adonis!

by (526k points)
*laughs weirdly in the distance*

Heheheeehhhh yus
But srsly I am very excited about those two.
by (526k points)
Thank you!

Though I cannot guarantee they will be a canon ship. You'll have to wait and see!
Okay!!!! I can wait!
0 votes
by (544k points)
I'm totally fangirling over this
by (526k points)
Thank you so much! It means the world to me that I have a lot if fangirling fanfiction :D
0 votes
by (544k points)

I was wrong. I thought they wouldn't get caught
by (526k points)
I have plans for them >:)

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