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in LGBTQIA Club by
*This is updated to be worded better, also no offense to anyone at all*

Alright, don’t get me wrong, I support LGBTQIA. I call myself a cisgender girl and queer because I’m questioning.  Everytime I see a same gender couple I flip and can’t stop smiling. When I watched the Owl House and Amity and Luz kissed I just HFYRSSCHFCHHKOKDWOKDSSRRWWSHJDSRHBH. When my friend came out to me as non-binary I was so happy for them and helped them with their new name, etc. BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT now I’m confused whether I do support it. Or if I myself actually may not be part of it. I want to support LGBTQ very badly and be part of such a cool understanding community but these feelings sort of make me wonder if I don’t.

I do think I support it, but… I don’t get if whether these few things make me not support it. Like, for one, I feel that kids under 10 feeling and deciding they’re gay or something shouldn’t really come out. Although I also feel it depends on your culture or your parents thoughts. Most the time, I’d say sure, tell your best friend, but not your parents. If your parents and community really are comfortable and will support you that’s okay. Especially if you end up having to come out again because you realize, for example, your actually just aromantic instead of aroace. I just think sometimes you have to wait and just take it in, make sure your confident your that label. (To be fair, I think trans kids though have more of a right to come out early because those kids really know who they want to be.) So if your young but your sure, I won’t stop you and I know I never can anyways. I know that this makes a lot of people angry. But I just feel that.. at 10?… I’m not even allowed to date till I’m sixteen. (Just me). You can feel that way, but I feel like you still would have a little while to go to figure yourself out. I started feeling weird towards girls around ten, too, BUT I ended up changing what I felt like my label of sexuality was like twice a month. I was like, I like girls and boys, am I bi? No, I hate guys now, I’m lesbian… am I polysexual because now I take liking to girls, guys and nonbinary people?… I feel that 11-12 is somewhat young too, but that’s not bad at all. If your CONFIDENT then sure. I dunno that’s just me.

*Got rid of the furry thing. Now that that’s cleared up and I realize it’s not in the LGBTQIA community, and I say I support it anyway because A) I like cosplaying in a way (woah I just flipped sides) B) I can clearly see my sister being one haha and C) it’s not weird like everyone tells me*

Also sometimes when I think of trans people it’s not that I’m grossed out but I’m confused. So a girl… with a guys… what? I think this just goes against younger me’s logic that girls have girl pieces (yk) and guys have guy pieces (yk, not specifically girls and guys pieces but them parts). I still support. Especially when I see trans women, or drag queens although that isn’t always trans women at all. I FIND THEM KIND OF ATTRACTIVE, LIKE IN A WAY THAT LIKE I WOULD EAGERLY GO OUT WITH THEM. ????

I really still think I support but this makes me wonder if I’m neglecting the community in a way. That makes me wonder if I really could be gay/bi/pan/whatever or if I’m straight in denial. Can someone help me?!!

2 Answers

0 votes
Yeah, the LGBTQ+ thing is pretty normal. At first, I was pretty shocked to see queer couples in media kissing/being together, but then I did more research and it became more normal. Also, you are just a kid, don't worry about your identity too much! Everyone is valid no matter what they identify as.

Also, about the furry thing, that is not what a furry is. I am a furry, and we don't do that. Furries are people who make and dress up in anthropomorphic animal costumes. we don't do it to "find mates", or anything creepy like that. Also, being a furry isn't a sexuality or gender, and its not related to the LGBTQ+ community, unless someone is both (like me :) Its like cosplaying, but with animals. We literally just make silly little critter costumes. The furry community is actually very polite and full of very kind people, and its a shame that people make up so many lies about us. About the people that think they were animals, those are therians! They are people that believe they were an animal(s) in their past lives. They are aware that they are human.

Also, just my personal experience here, but I knew I was LGBTQ+ ever since I was 10 years old. I was attracted to a girl in my class (Im AFAB, assigned female at birth) and at first I was in complete denial. I didn't even know what LGBTQ+ was at the time, so I was VERY confused. After some research and years of questioning, I realised I was Omnisexual and Genderfluid. It may be that you are too young and just aren't used to seeing that stuff yet. I wouldnt worry about it too much. I wish you luck :D
Well, thanks for that! Okay, then, I support furries. I think I’m just used to seeing things on the internet titled like “Bro I just saw a furry at the dog park (insert skull emoji)” and I guess I got the wrong idea. That’s also my homophobic and transphobic mother’s opinion, which now I realize shouldn’t be trusted with anything known to be biased.

I think I like girls, I learned more about the community at ten since a lot of kids decided they were gay. I did realize that I have always commented on girls looks over boys. But yeah I think I might be in some stage of denial like you said even though I’m 12 and it’s been 2 years. I’m glad you figured yourself out, and thank you!
Yeah, the internet makes things a way bigger deal than they are. Also, its totally not your fault that you got the wrong idea about furries, the internet tends to do that to people. Im sorry about your mother, that sounds tough, and I really hope I gets better for you. You definitely deserve it.

Denial is totally normal in the LGBTQ+ community, especially if you have homophobic, intolerant, and/or transphobic parents. I wish everyone had supportive people in their lives. Also, im 12 too, but age doesn't really mean anything when you are discovering your sexuality. Some people know immedietely, some take months, and others take years and years. Everyone's experiences are completely different, and thats 100% okay.

I wish you the best and all the warmest hugs :D
0 votes
I think, for one, you're not actually being very supportive. You're saying it's a decision or a change or whatever, and that people can't know who they are. People can disagree, but that's what I think, and if you like girls, girls can be trans or cis. I don't mean to be rude in any way, I just want to point that out. Also, 'female', in my opinion, makes it sound like girls are a thing or a type of animal other than human.

Do you flip in a like 'ohmygoshmycheekscan'tstopsmilingithurts' way, or a 'okay, why?' way.

I knew I was queer when I was 10. I was still figuring it out, but I knew I was queer. And also, I don't exactly like the phrase 'feeling homosexual'. I mostly like girls and nonbinary people, and boys about 5% of the time. Homosexual is feeling attraction to the same gender, but I feel it mainly to the same gender AND people under the nonbinary spectrum.

Your family has that dating age rule, but not everybody, so not everything has to go with your rules. Also, I know who I am, and I have not dated anybody. You also say that YOU feel, which again, you have nothing to do with this person. You said you changed your sexuality, as if you decided it and thought 'wow, I like this other one better'. That works for labels (I generally use 'queer' instead of the labels usually associated with my sexuality. Also, I'm not really confident. I just know who I am in a way. Also, the way you said 'girls have girl pieces. . .guys have guy pieces' isn't really how that works. Younger you's logic was affected by the basics you were taught, which aren't generally the full basics. And who says there's such a thing as 'girl pieces' and 'guy pieces'? Somebody could be a girl and have what you call 'guy pieces', which have nothing to do with gender. Are they still a girl? Yes. Are they a boy? No.

That isn't the definition of a furry, and there's nothing wrong with being one. They do not necessarily go with the LGBTQ+ community unless an individual is both, but again, people may disagree. If you find them hot but not in a crush way, that's not okay, you can't somethingthatwouldgetcensoredifIputitonhere trans people.

I think you are an ally, you just need to learn more. If you are actually questioning and feel like you might be more than cis and straight, lmk, I will always support questioning people. Even though I'm sure of who I am, I'm also not, if you know what I mean, I'm sure but still slightly questioning. I just figured myself out a few days ago. Yeah. That recent. After going down a Google rabbithole, the same I've been doing for the past six-seven or so months.

Again, if I sound rude at any point in this, lmk, I don't mean to be. :)
Side note, instead of saying pride or LGBTQ, say LGBTQ+, 2SLGBTQ+, or LGBTQIA+. :)
by (529k points)
Okay so I don't think that people can choose what they are WHATSOEVER, BUT! I do believe that if they decide too young, like at 8 or 2 years after 8 or something and they have just seen it on tv or something like that, I think they should do more research BEFORE they decide that's what they are, but I'd support them either way. Again, you can't choose what you want to be, I think that someone just has to do more research before they officially identify with that. I support it no matter what though!



No, you weren’t being rude. This was really helpful. The phrases I used that you found kind of offensive by the way were not supposed to be in the slightest, I was trying very hard to word my paragraphs right and so I just put what I sort of thought fit. I’m also not trying to say it’s a decision, but to me it feels like one when I’m questioning myself, which is really confusing. I think I’m just ACTUALLY GOING THROUGH A PHASE LIKE HOMOPHOBIC ADULTS SAY WHICH IS UH REALLY UH WEIRD?? I also have mental issues and no, I am not saying that pride is a mental illness, but I am saying that I do things to fit in a lot, which might mean these..  thoughts I have are completely made up.

I flip in the first one kind of way. Another reason why I’m confused.

I didn’t mean that I didn’t like furries, it’s more like they just… I find them odd. And trans women do kind of make me sort of crush on them?? I am not doing that thing... I think. I DON’T KNOW IM SORRY T_T

No offense about the “guy piece, girl piece” thing. I had to word them so kidztalk didn’t censor them out. My logic, as the way of how I’m being raised, kind of calls them that, which I know isn’t right but… well… you get it..

I try really hard to support, I think same-gender couples are cute, but I have these strong opinions I know not everyone agrees with. My whole thing is confusing right now. I’ve been mentally unstable recently like I mentioned so that probably is my main problem, I just am one big problem for people and myself R.I.P. I think I also hate the term “straight” since it has some bad connections to it so… 

Sorry if I caused trouble! Thanks for being honest with me, I really appreciate it.


Nobi, yes, that is true, however I do think people can know who they are at an early age too :D.

Anonymous, I understand completely, it's okay :). I have horrible mental health it's fine, sometimes it's to the extent of I wish I was never alive. It's the worst. And I completely get wanting to fit in. Trust me, so do I.

The first way, sameeee. Lumityyyy. *ahem*.

It's fine if you don't know what you're doing, as long as it's the good kind, if you know what I mean? 

Yeah, KS would censor it. That makes sense.

If you want LGBTQ+ cuteness Heartstopperrrrr. There are some swears and similar warnings that you can look up, but it's really cute. And nobody dies. I just call everybody that is straight one of 'The Straights'. . .

You didn't cause trouble! Again, I support people who are questioning, you're valid! :)

by (118k points)
Wait so I’m confused do you think your lgbtq or not?
@Pizzalover44 who are you talking to? :)
by (118k points)
To anonymous
I still wander on that but I think so. I’ve educated myself better. I dont know my label still but yeah I think.
You don't need a label, but you can use labels! I would use no labels but labels are easier to describe to people, you know?


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