+9 votes
in Fiction by (523k points)

Chapter 13: Exit

As Evan took the lead of the group and Adonis had more time to think about the sword, he started to wonder whether the sword was as valuable as it seemed. It could have been just a sword that managed to survive a fire. But Adonis knew that it wasn't just an ordinary sword... He could feel its power just by inspecting it. He knew there was something off about it.

Could it be Herobrine's Blade?

Maxine broke his train of thought. "Hey Shawn?" She called, making Shawn turn his head around abruptly. "What?" He responded. "If Notch's Shield was protecting us from getting hurt by aggressive mobs, why did we get targeted by the ghast?"

"Why did we even see the ghast?" Sage elaborated. Shawn thought for a moment, but then he shook his head. "I'm sure it was just a rare pocket of time that the shield decided not to work. I doubt it'll happen again." Adonis glared at him suspiciously, though Shawn didn't see him.

Adonis also noticed the material they were walking on was a material like no other. It was a glossy red brick material, something that Adonis would like to have in a house, but as a wall. He opened his bag and searched it for any pickaxe, and finally pulled out a gold one, but it was damaged. Badly. Nevertheless, he slammed it down on the bricks and watched it do its work as it slowly but surely cracked the floor.

"Hey!" He heard Shera exclaim, giving him a start. "What are you doing? Are you trying to kill us all?" He shook his head vigorously, "No, no! Never!" He said. "Then why are you destroying divine property? Besides, breaking one of these blocks can lead to an unsuspecting person falling through a hole! Do you even think about things at all?!"

Adonis blushed a little, embarrassed that he was being told off. "Yes, I do think about things.. And maybe I did wish someone would fall," he added pointedly. Shera gritted her teeth just as they heard Evan call, "The exit! The portal must not be far!"

Adonis was happy to hear that, once again, Evan proved to be smarter than these two idiots. They quickly followed Evan's trail, and Adonis joyfully sprinted to the end if the Fortress. He didn't exactly like being in there. He slapped his hand on Evan's back, "You did it again, buddy!"

Evan smiled. "I'm happy to hear that you're pleased with my efforts." They both looked at each other for a minute in silence, but Sage broke the moment by rushing past in between them, Maxine not too far from her. "LET'S GET GOIN', YA'LL, WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR EXTRAS!"

They walked for hundred if square miles before Adonis started to get impatient. "Shawn, I swear to Herobrine, if we have to walk another square mile, I'm gonna jump in the lava."

"No you won't," he responded shortly. "You'd die. Notch's shield is wearing of quickly—Black, do you see the portal?" He directed to Evan. "Actually, you're about to bump—"

"Ouch!" Shawn winced. He held his face and muffledly stated, "Found it..."

Adonis witnessed the portal in all its glory. He suddenly didn't know why he was so worried about going to Diamon. It would be a new opportunity, a new continent. A new world to explore, to thrive in better than him and his friends ever could in the Badlands.

"Well, one if you have to go first," Shera said, directing it at the crew. "So that there's no funny business, me and my brother will go in last." Webner and Winnie stepped out if the group, "Woohoo!" They both exclaimed, disappearing behind the swirly curtain of purple. Preston and Wayne went in together, as well.

Suddenly, Evan took Adonis' hand and took him with him into the portal. "You're not going in alone," he declared, and smiled.

Adonis smiled too.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

0 votes

But here's the question-are Adonis and Wayne a thing? Adonis and Evan? Or are they all together?
by (523k points)
I'm not sure!

I'm trying to introduce new potential ships!

AND ALSO THANK YOU!! I am truly trying to improve my storys' humorous nature and adventurous nature!


It's amazing, I think everything is at the right place, at the right time, and it's entertaining.
by (523k points)
This means literally the world to me.

I was absolutely right to have you as one of my top supporters.

0 votes
by (541k points)
Really good!
by (523k points)
Thank you so much!!

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