+12 votes
in Fiction by (521k points)

Chapter 14: Land of Diamon

Adonis was starting to feel sick again. The world seemed to swirl like the patterns on the portal screen, and the nausea started to kick in fast. He heard the crescendo of the distorted voices of creatures he couldn't identify. For what felt like days was only a few seconds before his lights were out.

He opened his eyes, and, just as he did when he arrived in the Nether, he was again drenched in his perspiration. He blinked his eyes rapidly to get a clear vision of what was around him, and his lungs felt a bit weird breathing in the... Abnormally clean air. It was unreal how good it felt to inhale the oxygen. This wasn't the kind if oxygen he was used to. It was... unbelievable.

He found himself laying on the ground again, but this time on the somewhat comfortable cushion of green. He'd never known a world like this. Back at the Badlands, all there was was coarse dirt, and some patches of dead grass here and there. The sun was shining in his eyes, and he looked forward to see all of his friends staring down from a high cliff. There were trees, something that Adonis had seen before, but never like this. It was wavering along with the wind, and there was a lake not too far from the land below them. It was shimmering with sunlight, and looked like you could just take an empty option bottle and drink right out of it.

It was an overwhelming sense of peace that he felt when he sat there. He realized just how different it was back at his homeland and in the Nether than it was here. Skyborns must've had it good, living everyday if their lives in a place like this. And this place was infinite. There was always more to see and do, you would never have to steal anything in this place. It was like everything was given to you with a welcoming hand.

He smiled. Evan was sitting next to him, he just noticed, and was, too, admiring the scene. This is the happiest Adonis had ever seen him. Evan then noticed his friend was looking at him and softly said, "Yes?"

Adonis quickly looked away, "Nothing." Evan shrugged and got up, wiping himself off and holding out his hand. Adonis smiled even wider and took it, lifting himself up. They held hands for a little longer before Evan let go and looked towards the others. "What do we do now?" He asked, "I was expecting us to arrive not too far from a settlement."

Shawn smiled to himself, "Well, I hope you're in the mood for another journey. Sure, we arrived to Diamon land, but we still have to venture many square miles to get to our reserved territory."

Sage put both of her hands up in urgency. "Hold on, hold on, hold on, whatchu say? We went through all of that to get to this place, and now we have to do it again?" "Careful what you say. Notch may punish you for being unappreciative," Shera said warningly.

"We don't care about your god," Adonis said to Shera sharply. "Sage, look at the beauty of this place. I'm still rendering it all! Please, try be a little optimistic." Sage scrunched up her face. "Isn't that what I said to you?"

Adonis brushed it off. "Potato, potahto."

Webner had a mischievous look on his baby face. He rubbed his hands together, getting ready to do something stupid. "One," he counted, "two, three!"

He bent his knees and pushed off the ground confidently, and in slow motion, seemingly floating in the air gracefully...

Oh, that was just Wayne who saved him.

"Webner, no!" He blurted out with strong emergence in his voice. This gave Adonis a start, "Ah! Webner, what are you doing!?" he beseeched urgently. Webner was hanging awkwardly in Wayne's hands as he squeaked, "I wanna get down!". Winnie facepalmed in shame of her brother. Shawn was holding his chest, as if he was anticipating something traumatizing.

He exhaled, visibly relieved. "There's a safer way to do that, children."

Adonis really didn't like Shane when he did that. He acted like he was a wise old person who was the parent of everyone else. Wayne was probably older than him! He decided to confront him about this obnoxious aspect. "Why do you keep referring to us as children? How old are you?"

Shawn turned to him with a despised look on his face. "Well, I'm 15, going to be 16 next month. You look like you're 14, so you're obviously a junior to me. I'm going to be a senior at Enchanted Warrior Highschool, and because I'm excelling, there's no doubt I'll be in the college soon. You're friends look no older than 14 as well. You all are children to me."

Adonis gritted his teeth and strode up to him, as he was a little taller than Adonis. Shawn looked down at him rudely. "I don't care what school you went to, what your age is, or what your freaking problem is, but what I'm going to say is that you are NOT going to refer to me or my friends as children. My friend over there—" he pointed to Wayne—"he can snap you like a wooden pickaxe in two seconds! Don't mess with us, we aren't afraid to get our hands dirty... Unlike all of you goody two-shoes."

Shawn still stared down at him like an inferior being coming from the blackened, rotten caves. "You just watch your back... Mobs are different here, even your types. They aren't really controlled by any god, that's why Diamon hostiles are so different from Badlands ones,"

He smirked,

"You won't last one night."

The sun wasn't too overwhelming when the afternoon came. The group managed to make their way down the overhang (Adonis keeping a very close eye on Webner), and tread lightly on foot. Preston was back to his normal self again, quiet, collected, and a just a little emotionless. He stayed at the back of the group, walking heavily every few steps. Adonis was a little worried for him. He may become despondent after having that experience back in the Nether...

Adonis wished Wayne could see everything with a clear view. It was so peaceful in the forest, the sunlight laying upon the trees with utmost grace. Everything was like a wonderland. Everywhere you look was all of nature's beautiful shades of perfect imperfection.

"The Emerald Forest," Shera explained. "This is a cherished forest that is only used on special occasions. It is required by continental and divine law that no one touch this forest with aggressive hand." Adonis shuddered at the thought that someone might even think about destroying this place, not to mention deliberately doing so. He had never been more joyful in his life, never in his time in the Badlands, and never like this in his time in the Nether.

The only word he could describe about it was.. Peaceful. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I tried to up my description game a bit, so lemme know what you guys think about that!

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—

4 Answers

0 votes

ALSO, I think Adonis likes Wayne AND Evan.
by (521k points)
*makes weird knowing-something-you-dont-noises*

you'll have to see... mwheh—


0 votes
by (540k points)
The this is m far part so far
by (521k points)


Oop, sorry for yelling! I'm so happy rn I can't control my vocal chords—

0 votes
by (540k points)
I'm obsessed with this.
by (521k points)
Thank you! I'm glad you loved it :)))))
0 votes

I love this lol
by (521k points)

okay I probably won't do that but still—

I'm glad you love it!



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