+10 votes
in Fiction by (523k points)

Chapter 15: Emerald Night

They walked along the ragged, cut out path. 8 friends, Adonis Rex, Sage Fare, Evan Black, Preston Gold, Wayne Wailer and the Darkheart twins Webner and Winnie were accompanying the escort siblings, Shera and Shawn.

Well, "accompanying" was putting it nicely. They were being taken to the Land Far Away, more specifically Diamon. They were already located in Diamon after a tiring trip pass the barrier and even more death-defying journey through the Nether.

The grass crunched as they trudged along it, the sun beginning to fall. Shawn had an obnoxious smirk on his face as they went, making Adonis somewhat uneasy. 

"We must build a temporary shelter," said Shera after a minute. It had been awfully quiet until she spoke. "Yes, obviously. For their sake, we must," replied Shawn. Shawn was really starting to boil Adonis' blood that day. He seemed to have known it, as he snuck a quick and pointed look at him when he finished his sentence.

Adonis, trying to ignore him, focused on the fact that the Emerald Forest was a beautiful name. Of course, it was an even more captivating forest. Its pure oxygen, its welcoming grass, its namesake gem trees. Everything about the forest was a new sight to see. Adonis didn't want to leave.. If he had to spend an entire lifetime here, he'd throw everything away...

All he needed was this.

He felt someone tap him on his shoulder. He looked to see that it was Maxine, who was looking straight into his eyes with a serious look in hers.

"What?" He asked. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" She responded worriedly. He shook his head slowly, and she facepalmed, making Adonis feel even more stupid today. "I think this forest is dangerous when it's night!" She said irritably.

"...Okay?" He replied, still confused.

 "I can't with you. If we have no real fighting experience, and they're leading us into a potential trap with uncontrolled mobs running around at night, then we're as good as dead!" She pointed to the escorts who were far ahead in terms of group placement, so they couldn't hear them. "I say we show them just how nasty us Netherborns can be!"

Adonis shook his head vigorously now, "No way!" He said authoritatively. "We're not getting in anymore trouble than we already are. It's like you and Sage want to put us on a death sentence!" "That's what I'm talking about!" She responded, "If I'm right, we're already on death row!"

There was a menacing swish in the air. It shook the trees, leaves of every kind covering the atmosquare like a small blanket. Adonis caught a glimpse of a tail rushing by his face, making him slap himself silly. Whatever this creature was, the night sky was its territory.

The moon lit the forest's very surface, leaving everyone to wonder what that unseen creature was. How could they have missed it in the lunar glow?

"WHAT THE HECK MAN," Sage shouted. Adonis was holding his face, it was sore from slapping it so hard. Maxine, who was next to him, broke out laughing. She pointed at him, "Look at your face!" She started to wheeze as Adonis stared at her with lack of respect. "Your face, you slap, atta, wha, BAHAHAHAA!"

He saw Evan examining the sky very skeptically. Shera was holding back laughter, as Shawn was not trying to cover up his sense of humour at all. He was on the floor along with Maxine as they both cackled like maniacs. "That's enough," Evan declared without looking down from the sky. Maxine stopped laughing, but Shawn was steady going.

Preston strode up to him and stomped on his face as hard as he possibly could. Blood spurted out from his nasal orifices as he tried to keep his composure, though Adonis knew he was trying not to cry.

"That's my boy!" Sage cheered to Preston. Preston blushed, "Thanks Sage.."

"No!" Exclaimed Adonis, making everyone (except Shawn, who was still trying to cover up his tears), look at him. "No, not your boy! Guys, they could report us for bad behavior for that!"

"So?" Wayne said in his deep voice. "He deserved it. He laughed at you, and he didn't listen to Evan!" "Yeah, and we don't play about that!" Winnie agreed. Shera interjected, "I will still report you if bad behavior. You don't just stomp on an escort's face, no matter how annoying my brother can be at times."

Adonis looked at her doubtedly.

"Most times.."

He made a funny face.

"Okay, all the time! But that doesn't give you a right to hurt a Skyborn! You all know your blood!"

Adonis slowly walked towards her, emphasizing every step. When he got to her, he whispered something only she could hear. "And you know... That if you try us... We will not hesitate. You know our blood, don't you?"

They were face to face, breathing each other's air as she glared at him with pure malice. She finally, after a long while of him staring at her with a triumphant look on his face, directed her attention to all of the crew. "If you guys want to survive the night, we have to build a shelter. What you saw earlier was a phantom, and it only comes around when once of us don't sleep for three days straight."

"So a living nightmare?" Webner asked.

"Very much so. Me and my brother make sure to sleep before the three-day mark. That means one of you are a little... Restless." She scanned the whole entire crew. "Luckily I brought beds."

She went deep inside her pocket and pulled out one large bed. It looked unreal the way she just reached in and took out something that doesn't even make sense to fit in her pocket. She placed it down without a sweat, Adonis (very reluctantly) admiring her effortless strength. "My sheep friends allowed me to use their wool. How nice, right? You better thank them when you see them."

She proceeded to pull out another 7 beds, all color coded to match the sleeper. "Luckily, if that phantom didn't bring any friends, we can sleep without worrying if there are other creatures nearby."

Adonis scrunched his face a little. "Phantoms. Never again would I think to hear the word Phantom," he said disgustedly. Shera looked at him. "Why is that?"

"Nothing, let's just go to bed," he replied quickly, jumping onto his nicely made white bed. They all did the same onto their bed, each saying goodnight to each other. "Goodnight friends," Evan called. "Goodnight Sage," said Preston. "Goodnight Preston," replied Sage. "Night, Sage," Maxine then joined. "Night Maxine," Wayne then said. 

Everyone finally finished with a, "Goodnight, Adonis."

Adonis said goodnight to no one. In fact, he didn't want to talk to anyone at all. He just wanted to go to sleep and forget about everything that ever happened.

Ever in his life...

End of Chapter 15.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

May be a little short!

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—


2 Answers

0 votes
11 out of 6. It's really good!
by (523k points)


Off the charts

Stop finishing my sentences

Your sandwiches were very tasty


Thanks Wn! :D

0 votes
by (541k points)
Still obsessed
by (523k points)


Kevin can you stop saying random things

Random things


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