+10 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 18: Nomads

Adonis had come to his senses it seemed. He was sprinting through the hanging gardens of the forest, trying to catch and opportunity that he didn't know he had before. It had been right in front of him, watching him as he went crazy about something he couldn't control.

He stopped sprinting, catching his breath and bending on his knees. He didn't remember the forest being this puzzling to get around. He scanned the perimeter, every tree looking the same now. 

He slowly walked up close to another tree, examining it's dark brown skin. It changed suddenly, making Adonis jump a few blocks away. "What the..." He said quietly. In the corner of his eye he saw a strange black figure, quickly disappearing before spotted.

Adonis touched the changing tree before investigating what that figure was. He was almost sure that it had the strangest eyes, and it's presence was overwhelming. He walked faster every step he took toward his pursuit. When he got to the suspicious tree, he slowly peeked his head around it. His heart was beating louder in his ear as if it were located in that space.

There was nothing in the area. He exhaled a sigh of relief, though it was cut short by an arrow that flew straight across his nose.

The reflexes he never knew he had kicked in. He double jumped in the air, flying backwards and landing in a heroe's pose of entrance. He looked around to see who it was, and as he did, another arrow presented itself too close for comfort. He caught it in his hand, watching blood trickle down from his palm to his wrist. Dropping the arrow and making a run for it, he had to find a way to maneuver through the forest.

A cloaked foe with a bow in hand descended from the sky, pointing their weapon directly at his head. Adonis raised his arm to his face as he tried go shield himself, "What do you want from me!" He yelled to his opposite. The cloaked archer remained silent as they pulled back the string, continuously making Adonis uneasy.

Finally, the person spoke with a deep voice, signaling that it was a man. "This is our territory. Leave now or cease to live."

"I don't want any problems," Adonis pleaded. The man pulled the string so far back Adonis thought it was going to break any time now. "I repeat," he said emotionless, "Leave now or cease to live."

"I just have to gather up my friends, please sir." The bow raised it's point to aim at the center of Adonis head. "Leave now," said the archer very slowly now, "Or cease... To live." He had emphasized the last word so clearly, it shook Adonis to think that was the last word he may hear. Adonis took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll leave."

The archer loses his bow a few inches.

"But not without a fight."

He kicked the bow out if the archer's hand, it gracefully defying gravity as Adonis went hand to hand combat with the foe. He hit the man in the side, blocking him from punching his face. The man went in for the blow and Adonis caught his hand just in time. He twisted it awkwardly, knowing he heard a pop.

With the other hand, the enemy grabbed something sharp out of his pocket and slashed Adonis across his face, letting himself free. Adonis held his face, moaning in pain. He saw through his hands as the man grabbed his bow back and quickly shot at Adonis, but he dodged it and leaped forward, landing on him. He struggled to possess the weapon, rolling on the ground along with his pursuer. Adonis punched his face, hoping that would get him to let go. The man tried kicking Adonis, but they were stuck to each other like glue.

Now they rolled in such a way where the man was on top of Adonis, and Adonis had to keep from being repeatedly hit in the head as the opposite tried to get him off. Like it was all planned by the gods themselves, he glimpsed the a stray arrow blur its motion and pierce straight through the man's back.

The man went limp and his eyes widened largely. All of his weight now laid upon Adonis, who's heart was now protruding out of his chest. He saw the arrow sticking through the man's back as he rested on him. 

Struggling, he pushed the archer off of his body and watched in horror as the man's pale figure stayed idle on the ground. He had never seen someone die before. Not with his own eyes..

He looked around to see where that arrow came from. He didn't exactly see where it could've came from. It seemed to have just appeared out of nowhere, waiting for its target to be vulnerable. He wanted to throw up, as he didn't prepare himself for this kind of adventure. Running his fingers through his hair stressfully, he looked up at the sky in dismay. He hasn't any idea what to do from here.

"I can't do anything," he quietly concluded. "He's dead.. I have to see the others.."

But coming to this answer didn't make the situation any easier. He was staring down at a dead body, he had no power within himself to come to terms with the scene. Before thinking any further, and still in shock, he fled. Adonis truly prayed that no one saw him.

It wasn't his fault, he thought to himself. He didn't make that arrow appear. 

And as the thought further, the guy must have been seriously injured before their meet. For an intimidating archer, he was a one-hit weakling. 

Adonis was unbelievably relieved when he saw his friends. They were all awake, Preston being the first to notice him. "Hey! Where were you, Adonis?" He asked in his innocent little voice. It was hard to believe he was going to turn 14 next year. 

Sage turned around, "He—oh my null, what the heck happened to your face!?" She exclaimed. Maxine covered her mouth and Evan rushed over. He touched Adonis' face as Adonis winced a little. "What happened? Where were you all this time!" Evan asked with strong urgency in his voice.

"Just a little scratch. I, ahm... I fell on a log. Who would have thought there would be stray logs in this place?" Adonis awkwardly laughed. Evan was staring at him with those scarily serious eyes of his. Him technically being a half ender prince, it was super unnerving to stare back into his eyes. Adonis had read up on Enderman. If you look at them, they won't hesitate to kill you. He wondered how it was in Diamon, with those types of creatures.

"You're lying. Falling on a log does not do this amount of damage."

As Evan kept on nagging him about how he shouldn't have gone far from the crew into the forest, about how Adonis should have woken someone up before going, and about how he was worried sick, but didn't track him, because he trusted he'd be okay. He was definitely the mother in Adonis' life, for all the wrong reasons.

Adonis was thinking about how he just left the other two in the forest. He wondered if they were okay, as it seemed as if the man who died alluded to there being more of... Whatever he was.

Evan clapped his hands in Adonis face, startling him. "What!" Adonis said.

Evan had the most serious frown on his face.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."


Sorry it took so long!

Anyways... Lemme know what ya think!

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

0 votes
by (544k points)
O think the figure was null
by (526k points)



You never know—

0 votes
Adonis!!! Be nice to Evan-

But who is the archer-

This is amazing!!!
by (526k points)
I dunno

But he's dead now


Thank you so much for the feedback! We're almost at the 20 mark and I'm so exciteeeeeeeed!

(also I think the last part when Evan said what he said is my favorite part XD

what do you think of that part :p)
by (526k points)

Well I guess we're not answering that today XD

Lol I was at a sleepover and I couldn't hook up to the wifi.

Yeah, that was a great part!

It's a mystery.

by (526k points)



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