+6 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (541k points)

All the villagers surrounded Steve and said “After you left the meeting last night we decided to go. We’re sorry. You’ll always have a special place in our hearts.”

Steve said “Just give me one more chance! I promise I won’t do that kind of thing again.”

All the villagers lovingly put their hand on Steve’s shoulder and said “We’re sorry. The ONLY way is for you to be perfectly well behaved at the party the whole village will attend in your house this afternoon.”

Steve nodded and said “Fine by me!”

All the adults said “Oh yeah and we told all the kids to be on their worst behavior.”

“What?! There is no way I can be perfectly behaved for that!”

“Well then you better get all of us goodbye gifts because if you aren’t perfectly behaved…we’ll move in a week!”

“From today or tomorrow?”


Steve ran into his house in tears and wailed “I only have one week left with my villagers.”

Then all the kids arrived at the door. They said “Hi Steve! We’ll all miss you! You were our parent longer than our real parents have been. Also, Alex is dying” 

“Where is she?!” 

“In her house with Carol…Carol told us.” 

Steve said “Thank you for telling me”

Steve quickly rushed over to Alex’s house and entered. 

He found Alex laying on the couch. 

He said “Alex?”

No response 


No response. 


No response.

Carol then came in and said “I hate to break this to you Steve. But… here it goes. You just missed her last few moments on earth. I’m sorry.” 

Steve wailed “No! No! No! This has to be some kind of joke!” 

“It isn’t. I’m sorry. I know you loved her.”

Steve ran over to Alex and saw she was just laying there cold, lifeless. 

Carol said “She can’t tell you her last wish. But, I can. It involves you. It’s keep her in your house for all of eternity” 

Steve nodded and said “If that’s what she wanted.” and sighed heavily. 

Steve lifted Alex up and carried her to his house. He brought her to his room and laid her on the bed.

Steve said “I know you can’t hear me now. But, here’s something I wrote just for you.” 

He reached into his pocket and found a folded up paper. 

He said “My beautiful love Alex. I have always loved you. From the moment I laid eyes on you to today. I only hope you would have the honor of being the two daomonds to my stick….I know you can’t anymore so, I guess I’ll just have to go with Carol.” And started to sob. 

Then there was a knock on the door. Steve answered the door and saw all the villagers were gathered around looking sad. 

Kathy said “We’ll stay in this village until you get over the loss of Alex.”

Steve said “So it isn’t a cruel prank?”

“We’re all sorry. Until you get over the loss we’ll cook for you, clean for you. We’ll practically do everything for you.”

Steve slammed the door and collapsed on the floor. 

He wailed “No! No! No!” as he pounded the ground.

He then got up, opened the door and said “I accept your offer. Can you try and respawn her?”

The medic said “I could try but it most likely wouldn't work. She most likely will turn to dust.”

Steve gulped and said “I could also get Hex or the trained respawner and engineer.”

“That’s more likely to work.”

Carol said “Steve, can’t you  just use your respawner by your arena?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that”

Steve carried Alex to his car. That was when he realized something seemed fishy about this. Why wasn’t Carol crying? 

He asked Carol “Hey Carol, why aren’t you crying? I mean your sister just died.” 

“I got to see her last moments. Her last words were so beautiful nothing could beat how beautiful they were.”


Steve then got in his car with Alex and Carol.. 

When they got there, Steve put Alex on the bed and said “Okay, let me see if I remember how to work this.”

Steve then pressed a button. Alex turned to dust. 

Steve ran to his car in tears. He wailed “Why couldn’t I have brought a jar?”

Carol then entered the car and said “Steve, I brought a jar in case that happened.” and handed Steve a jar. 

Steve went over to the respawner and put the dust in the jar. 

He then said “Maybe if I retry She’ll be back.”

Carol said “Steve, it was just a prank. But, now she’s really gone”

Steve then wailed “How could I have been so dumb!? Why didn’t you stop me?” 

“We thought you would figure it out because I wasn’t crying.”

Steve wailed “How could I have been so blind?!”

Carol said “Steve, I got you forever”

Steve said “No! The only one I ever loved was Alex! And now she’s gone!”

Carol said “Why did you say you loved both of us the same all those years ago?”

“That was the truth back then. Now, I love Alex and….She’s gone!”

Carol said “Steve, would you like me to turn you to dust so the pain of losing your love will go away?”

Steve said “Well…. Maybe if I’m not over it within a few weeks”

“Steve? Are you sure about that?” Alex’s voice said.

Steve said “You’re dead now! I’m just hearing things! I’m going crazy!”

Alex’s voice said “Steve, just turn around. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised” 

Steve turned around only to see Alex standing there looking beautiful. 

Steve said “But, who did I just turn to dust?” 

“Oh that? That’s just a clone of me. Did you ever wonder why her eyes were brown instead of green?” 

“I never noticed.”

Alex got down on one knee and said “Steve, will you marry me?” 

Steve yelled “You didn’t even try to make it more beautiful!”

“Well… what’s your answer?”

“Yes, I’ll be the stick to your two diamonds”

Alex said “I won the race to your heart!?”

“You did a while ago…I just never had the guts to ask you.”

Carol said “Steve, can you tell me how close I was? Also when did she win the race to your heart?”

Steve lovingly put his hand on Carol’s shoulder and said “you were extremely close. We’ll still always be friends with benefits”

Alex said “Oh yeah and you have to stop loving Carol for me.”

Steve said “It’s a deal! I’m sorry Carol, I had to.” 

Carol said “Goodbye forever!”

Alex said “April fools! I don't need you to stop loving Carol. In fact, I strongly support you loving her as well”

Steve said “Not funny Alex! My other girlfriend was just about to move to another village!””

Carol said “Oh, I’m still moving to a different village. The only reason I stayed was because…. Promise not to judge”

Steve said “I promise”

Alex said “I do too”

“Well…. I hoped Steve wouldn’t be in love with you Alex and if he was he would’ve picked me instead of her.”

Steve put his hand on Carol’s shoulder and said “Carol, why are you moving away? Is it just because Alex won the race to my heart?”

Carol said “Well….The reason is-” 

Carol leaned on Steve and started to cry. 

Steve patted Carol’s back and said “It’s okay let it all out.”

An hour later Carol was still crying. 

Steve said “Carol, the sun is setting. We should go to my house nearby.”

Carol then cried even harder. 

Steve sternly said “Carol! We have to get to a shelter!”

Carol cried een harder and wailed “You said to let it all out!”

“I know, I know. But, we have to get inside a house to be protected from all the mobs that come out at night and as we all hopefully know on April fools day the mobs act especially hostile”

Carol stopped crying and said “Okay”

They all got back into the car and headed back to Steve’s house in the desert village.

As soon as Steve was getting comfortable in bed, Kathy called. 

Steve said “Hello. What is it?” groggily 

Kathy said “no time to explain! Just get here now!”

Steve said “Now? I just had my cocoa meaning I’m done for the day.”

Tristan then said “Mom! Gimme the phone.”

Kathy said “Okay Tristan”

Tristan scolded “Steven Sally Oxavier Suzy Sue Stonecutter” 

Steve boomed “For one that’s not my name! And for two I don’t even like the adults calling me my middle names! Have you ever watched my PvP games?”

“Quite frankly I am not really interested in PvP” 

Steve then said “I’m going there to hopefully convince you to like PvP'' and hung up. 

Steve went over to a command block and activated it. He teleported to his house in the jungle. He then smelled something awful. 

He traced the smell to his old ocelot Frak that had died. He teleported back to his desert huse in tears. 

Carol heard him crying and came in and asked “What’s wrong?”

Steve said “I’d rather not talk about it”

Alex said “Did you find out your ocelot died?” 

“You knew and you didn’t think to tell me?!” 

“Well….One day I accidentally teleported to your jungle house and well…found your ocelot. Laying there, dead. I didn’t want to break your heart”

“Oh my gosh! I don’t know if I should be angry at you or happy…. Well…. Either way I have to get back to my taiga village” and teleported to his taiga village.

All the villagers were inside Steve’s house. 

Steve saw Kathy laying on the couch. 

He asked “Are you okay?”

Kathy said “Yes” weakly

The medic said “Well….there was an enderman attack on our village. We barely made it and Kathy had to….umm…. Sacrifice herself to save the rest of us since you weren’t here and well ....”

Steve started to sob and said “She lost almost all her health and health potion does nothing?”

“I’m afraid so”

Steve ran over to Kathy and lightly kissed her on the cheek and said “Goodbye old friend. I will forever miss you.” and started to cry. 

The medic said “Steve! Do you want her to take more damage? Then stop crying on her.” 

Steve stopped crying and looked up at the medic and said “She isn’t an enderman! Geez!”

Then Kathy took off her disguise and it was an enderman. 

Steve fainted with fright. 

The medic said “Steve?” 

No response.

Five minutes later, Steve got back up and said “Was this just set up today or has Kathy always been an enderman?”

Kathy said “I have always been an enderman”

Steve nodded and said “how come you are so short?”

Kathy said “Umm yeah the thing about that is…”

All the villagers were saying “Don’t say it”

Kathy said “I’m just a very short enderman”

Steve said “Wait your story doesn’t add up. First you said she had to sacrifice herself because of an enderman attack and now you’re saying she is an enderman?”

All the villagers said “You got us”

Steve then teleported back to his desert village house. By the time he got back it was nearly 9:00. Steve went to bed and the next morning when he woke up Alex was gone. 

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