+12 votes
in Fiction by (521k points)

Chapter 22: The Emerald Lady

     Adonis' legs got heavier as the captors kept nudging him to go forward. It was becoming annoying, the way they rudely kept sticking their crossbows into his back every time he wanted a break. 

Him and his was-escort were being taken to a trial, which they had to wait for in some sort of cage that the captors had planned for them. Adonis looked over to Shera, but she kept her bulging eyes steady on the ground. She was no doubt still worried about her brother, whom was on the verge of death as we speak.

   Adonis remembered when he first went through the portal to land in this forest. The grass seemed to be greener, then. But now it was dark. It was dull, sharp, and unforgiving. Much like these cloaked people were. He heard them speak once more in a language he couldn't understand, leaving him with nothing to go on about upcoming events.

"Herrm, hirmea kolak ghorlus k'mhag," one said to another, and it seemed to be funny to the other person. They gave a hearty laugh, gaining Adonis' full malice. He bit back the urge to call, "What's so funny!", so as to not be knocked out again.

As they walked, Adonis could see something approaching them. It wasn't a mob, he knew that for sure, as mobs either stood on all fours or extended their arms outward. This entity gradually walked toward them, doing neither. He squinted his eyes to get a better image.

It was a woman, wearing a mossy dress that dragged on the ground and slacked in a lengthy manner on the sleeves, mainly from her wrists down to her hips. She wore shiny jewelry on her hand, her hair being hidden behind a beautiful cloak as well. Though her faced was cast over by shadow, you could clearly see her, intimidating, but mesmerizing emerald eyes. They glowed to signify power, reminding Adonis somewhat of Evan...

When she spoke, she was soft, yet trees still rustled as soon as she uttered her words. She looked directly at Adonis as she said it.

"As thought. Hands drenched red from birth."

Adonis had trouble gathering his jaw from the air. Her words struck him harder than the unexpected arrow going into his head earlier, but this time his ears were hit. She could have made an aggressive scene, the use of a weapon would suffice more. But for some reason, this offense was crucial. No matter how smooth she may have said it, it still left behind its lingering cold.

She now turned to her followers, speaking in the same broken language they understood for ages, but excluding Adonis. He could get the gist of it though, she probably told them to follow her. The member behind him struck his back once more, forcing him to continue.

The woman turned as she was followed by her court and captives. Adonis eyed her from afar, and at the same time wondered why she would say such a thing directly to him. Maybe because Shera was a Skyborn, him being just the opposite? Weren't people in Diamon supposed to be passive, considering their heritage is to only hurt hostile mobs?

She must have been referring to his heritage, then. "Hands drenched red from birth" would make sense in that case. Netherborns were titled all trouble.

He watched as Shawn lay slack on a cloaked enemy's shoulder, bouncing up and down along with his keeper. He would honestly be surprised if Shawn was still alive at this point. 

Shawn seemed weak from the start. The beating he took from Adonis wasn't like Adonis beating up his own kind, but rather a lesser creature being destroyed by a superior one. A flashing thought pounded Adonis' eyes, one of a familiar child he once tormented. He couldn't really pinpoint exactly on what this was, though he knew that he was very young when it took place. All he could remember was the terrified look on the child's face, similar to how Shawn looked at him that day.

But there was always someone he was trying to protect, even in that instance. He wasn't doing it for his own pleasure, but rather for the wellbeing of others he cared about. He fought Shawn on the name of his mother.

But he couldn't exactly think of who he was fighting for a long, long time ago...

End of Chapter 22.

I feel like I'm getting better and better at my description every chapter.

I slacked again, I'm sorry x3

But yeah, here you guys go! Hope you enjoyed, lemme know what you guys think!

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—

4 Answers

0 votes
by (521k points)
Uhm.. Why is there a word censored? Is it my autocorrect again?

I said, "I feel like I'm getting better and better at my description every chapter."

KS, can you please edit that sentence so that it says that?

Edit: Thank you, KS!
by (345k points)
Sounds like a typo that matched a blocked term. You should see an edit pencil icon if you are on the same device (IP address) used to create the post, even if you are not registered.
by (521k points)
I'm always on the same IP, I think, I just can't see the edit Icon after a certain time..
0 votes
by (540k points)


I had a rough day today. This helped a little
by (521k points)
Aww, I'm so glad it did! I'm going to try to get over my slacking off issue and make your day better everyday with my story :)
0 votes


by (521k points)

I like to get inspiration from other great stories on here and on other stuff, so it isn't all me meowla


So what is your favorite part of this whole series so far? I'd love to know, my fren!



:) <3

I have no favorite part, they're all AMAZING.

But character-


by (521k points)
Sage is a great pick!

My personal fave is either Evan or Preston :3

What do ya like about her? :DDDD
She's just so awesome and just AWESOME. She's strong, but she hides it more than she should, I feel. She already is strong, but I just feel like she hides so many incredible talents.

And she's cool.

by (521k points)
Awesomesauce :3
*realizes I used awesome twice* oh-

by (521k points)

I picked those two because Evan is cunning, smart, and a force to be reckoned with. Preston has some powerful potential, and he just needs to come out of his shell in order yo achieve it. He's also the biggest sweetheart in the universe :3



What do you think of them two? :3
They're both awesome! Preston is strong and sweet, but just not using full potential. He's just a bit shyer, I think. And I agree with you about Evan!
by (521k points)
0 votes
by (130k points)
Nobiiiii you are such an amazing writerrrrrr
by (521k points)
Thannnnnnk youuuuu so muuuuuuchhhhhhhh!

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