+10 votes
in Personal by (154k points)

You know how I’m moving?

We flew.


I said goodbye to my dad. At least I have him as a contact on my phone.

Our first flight was delayed by 3 hours. Then, when we got on the plane, I remembered I forgot my pillow. And my blanket was in my suitcase. It was ridiculously cold in the airplane AND I HAD ONLY SLEPT LIKE 4 HOURS. You know why? The night before my brother threw up and I ended up sympathy barfing.

We had to sit on the plane for an hour cause there was something about having them sign a contract and a computer malfunction??

Then we got in the air, landed, got our suitcases, etc. MY SIBLINGS WOULD NOT STOP COMPLAINING. We went outside to wait for the shuttle because we were gonna sleep at the airport hotel. But it didn’t show up. SO we called and apparently they were FULLY BOOKED EVEN THOUGH WE CALLED EARLIER AND IT WAS OPEN.

So we went inside and talked to this lady at customer service who actually was pretty self centered and rude. Wasn’t any help.

I ended up sleeping on the uncomfortable airport chairs. The worst part though was that we had to get up and go to another area BECAUSE THAT SELF CENTERED LADY LITERALLY PUT ON MUSIC AND BEGAN SINGING WITH HER MOUTH OPEN FULL OF PRETZELS FROM A NEARBY SHOP. AT TWO AM. THE AUDACITY THIS LADY HAD-

So we moved. I slept for only about.. two hours give or take. AND KEEP IN MIND THAT I BARELY SLEPT THE NIGHT BEFORE. I went at least 18 hours with no sleep. Our next flight was at seven am (it was supposed to be pm but we got lucky FINALLY and found an earlier flight). We got breakfast, got on the flight.

The flight was delayed by about 30 minutes because someone got sick and made a nasty mess in the airplane bathroom (which by the way I hate anything to do with barf especially since I did it so recently so my anxiety went through the roof thinking of it) which I mean poor them but SERIOUSLY ANOTHER DELAY?

This flight was about an hour and a half. I DEFINITELY didn’t end up fighting with my brother, who is starting to become moody since he’s at that age.

When we left the plane it felt like victory. We got picked up. I’m at my grandparents house. I just woke up after a four hour nap.

I just realized I’m technically homeless too now *screams*

So you tell me. Is my insane journey worth a movie script, or are airports just sucky, or are we just really unlucky? I feel like all three are a yes haha

7 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
:3 : 3
0 votes
by (212k points)
seriously, that seems like a movie script!!
0 votes
by (524k points)

I n s a n i t y

Someone get this lady a movie


0 votes
by (951k points)
That’s definitely a movie script. I love reading about crazy, chaotic real stories like this one.
0 votes
by (130k points)
This is LITERALLY a movie script!!!!!!!! But its really cool how you LIVED through all that! *sarcasm*

I have never been on a plane before, but my mom has. She flew to PEI and it was right during covid so she had to wear a mask for like 12 hours ughhh. Also, she didnt eat all that time cuz she didnt wanna eat with her mask off so ya. She sat there watching other ppl eat delicious food. I would be dead by the end of the flight.
0 votes
by (64.3k points)

I have never been on a airplane before so I LOVE to hear about them!
0 votes

Oml 40 secs ago-

But that is insane-

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