+5 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (112k points)
when do u stop getting ur period? Im so curious. I mean, u get ur period while ur not pregnate. so like, do u stop getting it when u cant get pregnate anymore?

5 Answers

0 votes
by (2.4k points)
If you don't get your period that's totally normal girly it also means you're going through a lot of stress or other things I hope this helped you out .
0 votes
by (2.4k points)
If you don't get your period it's totally normal it's just that your body is going through a  lot  at the moment it will come back you just have to believe in your body I hope this advice help you out and have a wonderful blessed day .
0 votes

Yup! It's called menopause. And, obviously, you wouldn't get your period when you're pregnant.

Menopause usually happens in about forties to fifties. It stops permanently, unlike a Wikipedia article I saw one time that I yelled at (<3). Leading up to it, you may (by may, I mean probably) experience irregular periods among other things.

+1 vote
by (154k points)
Yes actually! Women (or anyone with a “female” anatomy) about there forties get something called menopause. It makes it so you start to stop getting your period, though it isn’t exactly fun because you can get hot flashes and other things. You can’t get pregnant afterwards

Also when your pregnant you don’t get your period for that nine months.

Also also you can actually stop your period sometimes with medication. So yes.
by (112k points)
i knew abt not getting ur period while ur pregnate

I forgot to mention the last part! That's a good thing to bring up.
0 votes
by (957k points)
Around 45 or so.
by (112k points)
my mom is 45 and she still has her period
by (957k points)
Anywhere from 45 to 55 is normal.


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