+6 votes
in Debate by (112k points)
I've seen lots of posts on here abt how christ will make u a better person and all that trash. I want other ppls opinion. (I think its trash.)
as Christians you should be more loving kind and forgiving. it does not necessarily make you a better person.
but you should try to do better

12 Answers

0 votes

It does not make you a better person however, i'm a christian myself and I believe that you should love God and you should also be kind to everyone around youangel_smile

0 votes
Christ will automatically make you a person that actually trys to be better and do the right thing but I'm not saying that you can't be a good person without God, following God just makes it easier
0 votes
by (160k points)

Believing in Christ does not make you a better PERSON.

Is your spirit better? Yeah.

But your actions define how good of a PERSON you are.

If you believe in God, and just go around throwing rocks at toddlers, you’re not a good person.

If you don’t believe in God, but you help people in need and are generally kind, you are a good person.

by (9.3k points)
This is a very good explanation
by (527k points)
I watch him :D
+1 vote
by (9.9k points)

Thank you for asking this question so nicefuly and respectfuly. confused

Anyway im a Christian and i dont think beliving in christ makes us a better person, its what we do and say is what makes us who we are. I can tell a lot about what type of person you are from how you worded that question

by (527k points)

Oi again Swole Shrek!

Just wanted to know what you identified as because I don't know how to refer to you and I don't just want to assume emoticon-00100-smile

+1 vote
by (131k points)
As a part Christian(meaning I am not a total Christian because I still celebrate Halloween and all that) I think believing in Christ makes you a good person, not necessarily better, because some people who do not believe in God can still be good people they just don't believe in Him.

Btw, Doggowaggo, it would have been better if you hadn't referred to it as "trash" because that might be offensive to the people that made those posts.
There is no such thing as a part Christian your either Christian or not.
by (131k points)
Um.....yes there is
by (114k points)
No there is no in between. You either have the holy spirit or you don't.
by (131k points)
+1 vote
by (218k points)
i dont belive in anything and i think im a good person :)
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
Following your religion can help you become a better person, but it dosen't make you better than anyone else inherently. Being religious dosen't make you superior to anyone else.
by (527k points)

I like your style, Pumpkin a-=D

by (957k points)
So now you’re saying that non-religious people are worse than religious people?
by (1.34m points)

When I said that religion can help you become a better person, I meant that you can use it to make positive changes in your life. Obviously, you can use religion to do bad stuff, too. It all depends on how you use it. 

So now you’re saying that non-religious people are worse than religious people?

I made it very clear that religious people aren't superior to anyone in my answer.

by (127k points)
I got messaged on Discord last week by a devout Christian. For the next 3.5 hours, I had the time of my life. I'd post screenshots (blocking out names obviously) but I can't paste screenshots into KidzTalk for some odd reason.
by (1.34m points)

Yeah, for some reason it says that exceeds the character limit. 

How to insert pics

by (957k points)
19 seconds, Pumpkin.
by (127k points)
@Pumpkin yeah I used to be able to, but not on this computer...
+1 vote
by (28.9k points)
religion does not make u a good or bad person i do believe in God and forgiveness of sins I believe that by following the bible and the path he has made for us will help us to be better people but in fairness it things like love your nabor as yourself and to expect people and love them even if you don't believe what they are doing is right in his eyes forgive and forgive as long as air still comes in and out of your lungs u don't have to be someone's friend you don't even have to like them but you do have to be kind to them and forgive them as God has forgiven you he sent his son to die to save us and to forgive us if he can do that we can forgive each other u can say u are a certain religion but you can still be a bad person u must be a good person and religion can set a path but it's up to u to follow it
by (112k points)
k, but wat if ur non religous?
by (28.9k points)
u can still be a amazing person its who u are and what u do and the decisions u make its all up to u
by (527k points)
My visual system hurts.
by (28.9k points)
by (527k points)
Sorry this was late, what I meant was that your answer was very hard to use my reading comprehension skills on.
so true
+1 vote
I don't really care that much what people choose to believe in. However, if they use their beliefs to harass and make others feel unwanted, I care.

Being a good person is about how you yourself act, not Christ.

You aren't going to a bad place because you don't believe the same things they do. Just respect others and they will respect you back (hopefully)

If you believe in religion, then thats awesome. Don't let anyone tell you that its wrong or that you shouldnt. If you don't believe in religion, that's also awesome. Just don't be disrespectful and let people do what they want.

Also I love your user! Want to be friends? :D

- Dino (he/they)
+1 vote
by (527k points)
I don't care about their belief. I care about how they use it.

Most of the people I've witnessed use it as justification for doing unjust things. It's not right.

You're not going to hell because you don't believe in their religion.

You aren't sinning for loving someone (or not loving someone at all). That's the experience we came here to have.

Everything is gravy and no one is going anywhere adverse because of some words from a thousands of years old book.

its a history book
which religion do you refer to
which religion are you refering to

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