+13 votes
in Fiction by (525k points)

Chapter 23: Escape The Forest

Adonis glared ahead at the pompous lady. She must have thought she was too good for proper introduction, considering how she rudely commented on his cover. That was to say the least, as she still walked through the mist-cast blades of grass as if she had authority on her soles.

Shera was as quiet as a creeper. Adonis thought she was going to blow up any time now, though she probably wouldn't enjoy the comparison he envisioned. He now laid his eyes upon Shawn, who looked just as weak as ever. It's like the hosts of this kidnapping were taking their sweet time, making sure that one out of three didn't make it out, if they were going to make it out at all.

Adonis' mind couldn't help but drift off to the only family he had, probably searching for him. Maybe they, too, were ambushed by natives.

He had to devise a plan, and quick. His eyes shifted from one of the guards' bows to what looked like a dangerous nest on the next tree they were going to pass. From unfortunate experience, he could infer that these things set off automatically and, most importantly, easy.

If he could just find a way to bump into the bow without hurting himself and in such a manner that caused the arrow to hit the nest, maybe it could unleash something to give him a bit of a distraction...

Caution was thrown to the wind. He couldn't have gotten into more trouble then he was in now.

He flung himself forward, knocking into the enemy in front of him. As he thought, the bow automatically set off, throwing everyone off their guard. The arrow cut through the atmosquare, splitting itself into multiple before piercing the tree, and its nest.

It was like an explosion had happened, the way the nest just exploded into what seemed like thousands of angry creatures flying full force towards them. The Emerald Lady stared at her distressed group with nothing in her eyes but stone-cold power.

The enemies were doing everything they could to try and stop the hostile mobs, most of them just swelling up and knocking the others over with their bows. One was hit straight in the head with another's arrows, instantly collapsing. Adonis was sure that he had witnessed yet another death.

And he did. The one who hit him immediately rushed over to his ally, falling to his knees and stroking his friend's face gently. They must have been in a relationship.

"RUN!" Adonis called to Shera. She was paralyzed in her shoes, it seemed. Either that or she was refusing to move. But he could tell that she wanted to, she was shaking at his voice. The magic seemed to have worn off a bit on the restraints, allowing him to break the rope and hastily grab his friend.

He couldn't sprint faster towards freedom like he did that night, pushing away any forethought or afterthought. He may not have planned this, though he didn't plan to get kidnapped either. He didn't plan to get caught and sent to Diamon for who knows how long, now. He didn't plan any of this.

He didn't plan to survive. But he's done it all.

His heart was having a bell party inside of his chest. The forest was so much scarier at night, but he would have never guessed. If the got caught now, they would be sentenced to death. If they didn't get caught, they would be found. Like one should know, he didn't plan this.

Adonis didn't even look back to review the look on Shera's face at they made their great escape. He knew that she would probably never forgive him for doing this. He knew what he was getting all of his friends into.

Wow, Adonis thinking of Shera as a friend? He pondered more on this thought, though quickly got off the subject to hide behind a tall tree and fall down on his bottom. He had to catch his breath. If he went an further, he'd be the one exploding like a creeper.

He pieced open his eyes a bit, just to see his opposite. She was staring at him in something between awe and warning.

"What?" He said wearily. "You... You left Shawn," was all she could utter.

"We didn't have time to save him, Shera. We needed to get out of there before we got—"


Adonis was taken aback. She was seething heavily, her hair being changed from her tidy, formal do to an astray, messy do. To be honest, he couldn't help but blush at her look.

He quickly got out of his admiring state and began to feel offended. "You're screaming at me when I just saved your life? Shera, be honest with yourself! You think he was going to make it out alive if I had saved him?! WE DON'T HAVE EVAN! WE DON'T HAVE HELP! WE'RE LOST!"

She just scoffed, looking away so as to not let her tears show too much. She turned and walked away, making Adonis throw his hands up in the air. 

"I don't even know why I try," he said under his breath.

Hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for the wait!

Lemme know what you think :D

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—

5 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
I didnt like this.

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!

by (525k points)
Really? I'm so happy! :D

What was your favorite part of this chapter? Or perhaps, favorite chapter of yours?
by (130k points)
This one is probably my favourite! I can't choose a favourite part, its all a masterpiece!
+1 vote

Excuse me while I go sob in the corner-

Eh hem. Ignore that. Anyway your story is so good


Suspiciously good

Teach me your ways, sensei-

- Dino (he/they)
by (544k points)
This is quite an insult to mine bc nobody says anything like that on any of mine
by (525k points)
Did Shawn die? I'm confused by my own story x3
+1 vote
*finds you and gives you 1,000 awards*
by (525k points)
*they all somehow fall in the Forbidden Forest*
*risks life saving them*
by (525k points)

Oh goodness the centuars see youand they're chasing you oh no oh cheese

Ha a-=D

What was your favorite part of this chapter? :D

When Shera blew up at Adonis.
by (525k points)

I'm waiting to see if Shera actually does something, one of these days..


I just saw a picture of something on the captcha that said "Kś"

Wait really that's awesome-
+1 vote
by (544k points)

A bit confusing but I understood after rereading.
by (525k points)
What was confusing at first? :3
by (544k points)
The wording of certain things
by (525k points)
Ah. Sorry, I didn't really have time to think about things I was writing thoroughly :)
0 votes
by (126k points)
Wait hold on...

As of current, you posted this 8 minutes ago. MC asked the question 36 minutes ago. Both were approved by KS roughly right about NOW (as another answer of mine from about a minute ago just appeared).

by (525k points)
I always knew they would show themselves soon—

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