+8 votes
in Flaming Pheonix's Fun Blog by (86.0k points)

Like, if you look up personality test, you should get "16Personalities" If you take it, please share with me what you I got! I just took it and I got INFP-T (Mediator). Apparently, that means I am poetic, kind, and altruistic, always eager to help a good cause. O_o 83% Introverted, 56% Intuitive, 67% Feeling, 74% prospecting, 79% Turbulent.

  • may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories in their minds. 

    Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.

  • These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.

  • Empathy is among this personality type’s greatest gifts, but at times it can be a liability. The troubles of the world weigh heavily on Mediators’ shoulders, and these personalities can be vulnerable to internalizing other people’s negative moods or mindsets. Unless they learn to set boundaries, Mediators may feel overwhelmed by just how many wrongs there are that need to be set right.

  • Few things make Mediators more uneasy than pretending to be someone they aren’t. With their sensitivity and their commitment to authenticity, people with this personality type tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression. It comes as no surprise, then, that many famous Mediators are poets, writers, actors, and artists. 

Mediators you may know: J.R.R Tolkien, Shakespeare, Alicia Keys, Johnny Depp
Strengths: Empathetic, Generous, Open Minded, Passionate, Idealistic, Creative
Weaknesses: Unrealistic, Self isolating, Unfocused, Emotionally vulnerable, Desperate to please, self critical
Also, we are hopeless romantics (I'm not sure about this one lol) and have a small inner circle that we are loyal to.
What do you think?

10 Answers

+3 votes
by (525k points)
Best answer
I'm not sure. I'll be the one asking you guys what you think I am XD

by (952k points)
I say you’re NOBI-P. (Not a real type)
by (525k points)

That fits me perfectly :D
0 votes
by (71.3k points)
i'm also an infp-t!!

93% introverted (wow)

58% intuitive

56% feeling

88% prospecting

89% turbulent

0 votes
I'm a intp :)
0 votes
by (525k points)

I got Logician/INTP-T...


43% Extraverted, 57% introverted,

We "tend to prefer fewer, yet deep and meaningful, social interactions and often feel drawn to calmer environments."

55% intuitive, 45% observant,

"Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded, and curious. They value originality and focus on hidden meanings and distant possibilities."

58% thinking, 42% feeling,

"Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality, often dismissing emotions in favor of logic. They tend to see effectiveness as more important than social harmony."

37% judging, 63% prospecting,

"Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and adapting to opportunities. They tend to be flexible nonconformists who value novelty above stability."

25% assertive, 75% turbulent,

"Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They feel a sense of urgency in their emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve."

Famous Logicians,

Bill Gates, Kristen Stewart, Albert Einstein, Avicii, Stanley Crouch, Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes, Elliot Page, Blaise Pascal, Lord Varys (ha, Game of Thrones x3), N0eo (from The Matrix :O), Marshall Flinkman (Alias..?), Bruce Banner (Ayyy, that's the Hulk x3), Aemon Targaryen (GOT again), Leslie Winkle (Big Bang Theory), Chloe O'Brian (24...?), Alexander Mahone (Prison Break...?), Abed Nadir (Community...?), Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan Series...?)

What do you guys think? Does this fit me?

If I have to be honest, I did switch buttons a lot because I wasn't confident in my answers x3

+1 vote
by (952k points)

I took it again, and I got ENTJ-T, the Commander.

  • I’m 54% extraverted and 46% an introvert, making me an ambivert.
  • I’m 65% intuitive and 35% observant, making me an intuitive human.
  • I trust thinking over feelings 55% of the time, and vice versa 45%, making me a mixture of thinking and feelings.
  • I’m 51% judging and 49% prospecting, making me both.
  • I’m 51% turbulent and 49% assertive, also making me a mixture.
+2 votes
by (154k points)
I happen to be a Logician (INTP-T) like DukeSilver and EmoDinosaur

69% introvert, 54% intuitive, 64% thinking, 51% prospecting, 85% turbulent?

Some of that I agree with and some of it I don’t-
+1 vote
by (126k points)

[That's gotta be a made-up word.]

57% introverted

70% intuitive

66% thinking

51% prospecting

83% turbulent

Also it says "INTP-A/INTP-T." No idea what that's supposed to mean.

So was this thing right about me?
by (952k points)
I thought you were way more assertive than what that test said. Other than that, everything makes sense.
+2 votes
I got INTP-T, or Logician.

Im 80% introverted (no surprise there ), 58% intuitive, 53% thinking, 72% propecting, and 88% turbulent.

So basically just a fancy way of saying im extremely self-concious of my body and everything I do, sensitive to stress, severely anxious, and have the most intense social anxiety on the planet. xD, welp.

- Dino (he/they)
by (952k points)
Okay, I’ll create a bot that has more social anxiety than you primarily to dethrone you!
+1 vote
by (117k points)
I’ve taken the test 4 times over the past 6 months and I got INFP! I took the test once before those 4 times 3 years ago and I got INFJ

So yeah where are my fellow INFPS?
+1 vote
by (952k points)
I took this test a few months ago and I forgot the result. Now I can’t find it on here (I can only find the result when I took it 2 years ago, which is INFJ-A (the rarest personality type)).
by (126k points)
What is "INFJ-A?"
by (952k points)
A personality type. Look it up.


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