+7 votes
in Other by (154k points)
Ehm.. that’s a sentence I never thought would be typed.

So now that I answered the ”what does a crush feel like” thing I realized I was gonna ask about this recently and forgot to. Also I appreciate any gender responding to this. I need help for sure. I don’t see why this needs to be girls only-

I think I posted something similar to this once when I went under an anonymous user, so um.. yes.

So my crush? Is my dang best friend. There are 3 sorta.. reasons why this crush seems a little odd.

A) Best friend, like I said.

B) He’s a year younger than me. (Not that big of a deal but I’ll still say it)

C) The weirdest one of all… I only know him over the internet?

No, it’s not like Discord or whatever. I have literally never seen his face. Which makes this crush feel like the dumbest thing in the world.

UH ANYWAYS LET ME EXPLAIN. I’m gonna call him… uh… K. We met over an app that was for a different reason other than drawing but there was a big art community anyways on that app. One day, the app broke out into a stupid unreasonable war between K and some other user. I took the other user’s side and so K and argued and fought. It was a funny war thing and was very chaotic. That’s how we acknowledged each other’s existence.

Then I found out he played an app I played, and we bonded over that, yada yada. We found we were super duper similar- our simple drawing styles, our annoying personalities (at least online), our love for chaos, our hate for our younger siblings-

Basically we ended up becoming best friends.

Now one day I met Billy. The stuffed animal bear. Who didn’t move. But K kind of roleplayed as him and basically pretended Billy wanted to marry me and of course I rejected him so a hilarious war started again.

REASON #1 WHY K MIGHT LIKE ME: Billy likes me lol.

One day this roleplay started again and I decided to confess to him. I guess he thought I was joking though lol cause Billy then attacked K and then we forgot all about that.

Now moving on from that I’m gonna stop explaining a ton cause this got long and list the reasons why he might possibly like me.

REASON #2: K invited me to the “dance” on that original app drawing himself blushing. Need I say more-

REASON #3: He teases me a ton and likes to play the victim.

REASON #4: We’ve had like 3.. uh.. moments- such as this one time K annoyed me to the point where I got angry with him and just kinda gave up on talking to him, and then he tried to cheer me up and for some reason started singing “I Lava You” so I sang with him. Except then we starting screaming “I VOLCANO YOU” so you know uh

REASON #5: This isn’t a good reason at all but he literally is every element I consider my dream partner and “fate” brought us together because now we live 6 hours away lol sorry I had to

REASON #6: He’s always super supportive of me when he’s not teasing me-

REASON #7: what

Sorry this is long, I do that a little too often. Ahem.. so does he like me or is there a chance or what? I need to know. Also, I kinda wanna try to confess to him but what if he doesn’t like me? Or when he does, things between us go wrong? Help!
My crush is my best friend too!

Is. . .Is my sadness disguised yet?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (523k points)

I think reason 7 is the reason you should be with this person.

Though, I would consult your parents before, like.. Trying to interact with this person beyond the internet.

Don't do anything not so smart like wanting to meet this person and it turns out to be... Just no. If you want to meet this person in real life, have a trusted adult watch over you and wow now I sound like those websites—



I think I helped a-=D


by (154k points)
Nah I'm not doing that, probably not for a long time. Also I know he aint some creepy old person or something.

Well, okay I guess I don’t really KNOW, but it's not like he knows my location or anything, plus I've met his family and stuff so uh

That’s not a good reason is it

I seriously hope I’m not obsessing over someone who doesnt exist

But anyways, before I did even meet him, I’d make sure I’ve actually met him over discord or something. I just don’t think he really is that kind of person.
by (523k points)
So ahm

How would you rate me help from 1 to 10—
by (154k points)
Honest opinion?

An 8 :)

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