+10 votes
in Important Studios by (526k points)

Silence is the most controversial method of communication.

People tend to listen more when I am silent than when I speak.

And that is the result of being a child.

This was today's important post.

nobodyimportant out—

1 Answer

0 votes

I relate to this quote on a personal level-

Eh hem.

Speaking of silence, I once got a fortune cookie with a fortune that read "Silence is a great teacher, you should listen to its lessons" and laughed about it for the next few hours. Never seen a fortune that just blatantly tells me to stop being so loud xD.

- Dino (he/they/xe)

by (953k points)
Well, are you gonna hire Silence to teach to you now?

Ay, if the tutoring sessions Silence holds are cheap enough, I'll take em.

- Dino (he/they/xe)
by (953k points)
As far as I know, they’re free.
by (526k points)
Silence really is a great teacher.

There's just so much peace that lies within it. Think about it, you cannot debate anything, cannot say anything adverse, and cannot be bothered with anything if you are silent...

And doing what you love at the same time.

But maybe I'm just an awkward introvert.
by (953k points)
And Silence’s pronouns are it/its/itself.

Welp, I better go get some then-


Amen. I'm an introvert too. Its a good life, sometimes xD

- Dino (he/they/xe)
by (526k points)
It's a good life most of the time because you don't have to do anything for anybody that you don't want to do or if it's someone you don't like but the problem is that if you're a personable introvert, people want to be around you and it's just a lot O-O


Introvert issues...
by (953k points)
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that the tutoring is actually $9999999999999999999999999999999999, Dino.


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