+5 votes
in The life of an Eagle by (156k points)
Welcome :)
It's been awhile!
Soooo when I logged on for the first time in a few months I saw the new real time update ;) it was fun when I first logged on and got to talk to my friends!

So you may be asking what's up!
So basically all the was back before school got out the last day of school we got a tornado ️ warning and it was really scary!
Then a few weeks later we got another tornado warning ⚠️ this time I was at my house a real tornado touched down we had so much damage :( it was later rated ef 1
That was fun ;))) I want to be a Storm chaser when I grow up!
Basically I also had baseball which was fun we went 7 and 3 on the season but got eliminated the first game of the post season :( but. My coach invited me to a lot of movie nights which were funnnn they have a projector!
Well that's allitle bit about what happened in my summer ️! What happened in yours!
-Goldeneagle- out
Ps I turned 14 June 29th! :D byeee
by (156k points)
Should I change my pfp?

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (31.2k points)
maybe, I think you should change it to be a golden eagle to match more with your name
by (156k points)
Yeah thanks
+1 vote
by (130k points)
Ayy welcome back!!

Not much has happened to me this summer, I might go see my sister on the 16th and go camping
by (156k points)
Cool ;)
0 votes
by (156k points)
Any ideas for a new pfp?
+1 vote
by (524k points)

Oi :D

My summer has been okay. I didn't really do much, to be completely honest x3

Your coach sounds awesomesauce :DDDDDDD

I'm happy your summer was eventful hai


by (156k points)
Thanks I hope yours was too
by (951k points)
Same here. I haven’t done much, and I never got to see my friends :(
by (156k points)


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