+12 votes
in Fiction by (527k points)

Chapter 25: Reunion

Cold winds rushed through Adonis' body as he made his way north. He didn't know why he was going there, but there was just this inkling that his camp might be near.

He hadn't any time to worry about Shera and her storm out to nowhere. She had to deal with her own issues, with or without him. After all, he was helping their survival. Who knows what would have happened to them at that cursed trial...

But he knew that she wouldn't see it that way. It was her brother, her own flesh and blood. He started to imagine how it would feel if a person just left one of his friends to die like that... He began to feel a tsunami of guilt engulf his conscience.

But he had to act on his instincts in that moment...

And maybe that was his problem. Maybe he was always acting on false instinct. Maybe it was his subconscious hatred for Shawn that urged him to bail on him. 

Adonis stopped in his tracks, hearing a mysterious whisper creep through the atmosquare. "Hello?" He called out, looking around. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary... Perhaps it was his conscience starting to weigh more again.

But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't shake the dreaded feeling of someone approaching. He glanced up at the sky, observing the blinding light of the moon. It was so beautiful at times like this... Midnight always made the forest shine in it's gem-like way. He'd only been here a few days and already began having thoughts that praised for centuries known.

"ADONIS!" A shattering voice spoke, throwing all anxiety up from his mind and into the sky. He whipped his head around so forcefully that he was sure he heard a crack. Standing before his back was the red-haired girl he knew and platonically loved.


He ran towards his friend and gave her the biggest hug known to Squarekind. She squeezed him tightly, making his torso hurt a little, as he was taller than her by a few inches. After a moment of silence, Maxine inched herself away. Her face was drenched with sweat and tears. "I-I thought you were..." She started.

"Me too," Adonis croaked, giggling a little. He must have had a contagious laugh, because Maxine started to giggle, too. She was never the one to really show her despondent feelings, as she was the most hotheaded one of the group. Sage was definitely right behind her in terms of that. It was weird for him to see her like this.

"Me and the crew... We were looking everywhere for you three!" She said. "When we lost you again, Preston had a meltdown. That boy's so sensitive," she added, smirking a bit. 

Adonis knew how sensitive Preston was, but he didn't think he would have a meltdown about him...

Maxine suddenly took his hand and started sprinting the other direction. "HEY!" Adonis exclaimed, barely tripping over himself from the unexpected movement. Maxine wasn't listening, it seemed, and kept running. She must have been taking him to the others, but why so hastily? Was there something he didn't know?

That's a stupid question, he criticized himself. Of course there is something I don't know. I wasn't there for half of the day. Life goes on! 

Adonis' arm hit a tree that the two brushed past, making him squeal in pain. Maxine kept going her own pace, ignoring his cry. "Maxine... Maxine! Stop running!" He commanded. "I can't! There's something you have to see—jump!"

He was delayed in her call. Adonis tripped over a stray log and was now being dragged by his arm with his face gliding against the grass. He was lifted up some by his arm, but the grass was a bit long. "Magsi!" He said in a muffled tone. "MAGSIIIII!"

She was probably getting a kick out of this. She was much of a joker. Probably not a Winnie or Webner, but she was definitely one to prank you.

He managed to bring himself back up on his feet, wiping the grass off of his tongue and getting about ready to scream at his friend. "Shhh!" Maxine hushed him, taking him by surprise. She now spoke in a very low volume. 

"We were ambushed not too long after your disappearance," she explained. They were now crawling within the tall grass, Adonis' leg still being tremendously sore after that fall from earlier. "Luckily," she continued, "we were far from camp. We took them out—what? We had to, they can't put that on our record!' She said quickly, spotting Adonis' concerned look. "Besides, if we didn't do anything about them, they could have released or location... By the way, where did you go?"

Adonis looked down at the ground he was creeping upon. "I'll let you in after we get to camp."

Maxine nodded, then smiled. "I'm so happy to see you... I missed you, you know. We all did."

He was now smiling. "I'm like a boomerang. Even if I go, I'm always coming back. I'll never leave you guys. You can't get rid of me that easily!" He joked. Maxine nudged him in the arm playfully.

Adonis had their backs. And they had his.

End of Chapter 24.


What a great ending! Hope you guys enjoyed. Tell me what you liked about this part!

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—


2 Answers

+1 vote
by (545k points)
i'm sorry for reading si late, we have no internet and *I have to use a hotspot.

iliked the story
by (527k points)

It's alright! I'm so happy you enjoyed it :D

Also, masterpieces take time. I only can write really good ones when I'm in my element, so try not to remind me about it too much please. :)

by (545k points)
okay. I didn't know it bothered u. Sorry.
by (527k points)
It's fine, you didn't know :)
+1 vote
by (131k points)
I'm crying rn! Its too good for words!(im not actually crying, don't worry)

I loved everything about this<3
by (527k points)
I'm very glad that you enjoyed it! :D

I'm also glad you're not actually crying :3

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