+7 votes
in Adi's Rants by (112k points)
Hi guys :( I dnt feel so good today. I was thinking abt my bff and I realized she is making me a third wheel...AGAIN

It all started when my bff and her bff were all friends. We all had a equal friendship and everything was fine. But soon her bff started to show aggressiveness towards me. I ignored it and I got joined in a group with my bff and her bff. We were friends but I knew I wasn't getting good vibes from her bff and she started being mean and targeting me with mean comments and gossip. it was clear she didn't like me but I still ignored it bc I wanted my bff to be happy. soon though I realized my bff had third-wheeled me and I was NOT gonna let that slide. I confronted my bff and her bff abt it but they basically said "uhhhh its not OUR faults u nvr reply to our texts" WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!? So I eventually have enough and leave the group but I get added back TWICE and I had just given up at that point and let it slide. BUT her bff kept showing me bad vibes and I eventually just unfriend her and ghost her. BUT THEN my bff starts sending me daily texts and vids telling me to add her bff back. At that point I realized she was third-wheeling me AGAIN.

Oh boy. sry that was long. I just had to tell the whole story. The bad thing is my bff and her bff r in my class. Im getting prepared for a long year.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (953k points)
Best answer
Block them. They are not real friends. Also, find better friends that won’t third-wheel you.

Because it’s definitely their fault.


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