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I am christian so i do not support lgbtq because its against my religion, but i realized sometimes i sorta wish very badly i was the opposite gender and i hate having to wear a dress to church and stuff but i dont think im transgender because that would be wrong… but… help!

2 Answers

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Well, as a transgender person who grew up in a Christian household, I can confirm that being LGBTQ+ and Christian is okay.

There's nothing wrong with being gay. LGBTQ+ people just want to exist without being discriminated against and hated for being ourselves.

Also, not trying to be impolite or disrespectful here, but how is being LGBTQ+ or more specifically, transgender, wrong? How does it go against your religion? Because all we want is to live in a world where we can exist and be ourselves. We aren't trying to be hated, we aren't trying to 'go against religion', we just want to exist, but apparently by existing and asking for basic human rights we are disrespecting religion? What does LGBTQ+ have to do with religion? And why does God hate gay people; what did we do to him? Theres no evidence as to why God doesn't like gay people other than he does.

Sorry for all the question, its just that I've seen many Christians be incredibly homophobic and transphobic to me but its all because they're listening to 2-3 sentences out of a book written by men millions of years ago. They never have much reasoning.

I'm not going to tell you what you should and shouldn't believe. If you want to be a religious individual, go for it. I support all religions and its perfectly fine if you believe in God and the Bible. All I ask is that you, and every other christian, doesn't harass other people just because of their identity, the religion they believe in, etc. But you seem like a cool person, honestly! Being confused about gender identity and religion is normal; me and many others went through the same thing. Don't panic and trust the process :)

I reccomend doing research on different LGBTQ+ labels. Maybe do research on labels like Genderfluid, Demiboy, & Demigirl. We can't tell you what you are, but we can help and guide you. We are all here for you! :D

Much love,

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
idk!! my family is christian and god created man and women for each other not man and man or woman and woman and he made me female i kinda really wish i was a boy but god made me female for a reason and i do not want to go to hell i want to save myself and go to heaven. i dont know what to do!
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by (541k points)
Some people are Christian and Lgbt

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