+6 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (112k points)
So I have my period and im going through puberty. Ya. norm. BUT I skipped like 3 mons on my period and it was like 3 1/2 late. I was kinda surprised abt that... ok anyway my body is changing and uhm.. my mom is like, "u dnt need a bra blah blah blah" EXCUSE ME, IF I DNT WEAR ONE, I HAVE LITTERAL ANT HILLS STICKING OUT OF MY SHIRT!!!

The boys dnt get clues of girls periods. Once, was taking a pad out of my bag and a boy, lets call him K, sees me. He giggles all so childish and looks back at his book. Im so embarrassed but I just go on with my day. Like the next day, K goes up to a table of girls and says, "Adi has smthg in her bag" and im just like, "They're girls idc if u tell them." and the girls EMEDIETLY knew what I was talking abt. Like, boys can be so immature. Its puberty. Ugh.


Im commenting on this only because 99% of the comments on a boys only post were girls.

Also, ignore them. Some people are jerks.

-sincerely, GravityCenteredWasFormerlyHere
by (155k points)
Well if it was a crush thing then girls should comment. Right? ...

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
You're going to be okay. Puberty is normal, and embarrassing things happen. But, missing 3 months in a period is a little abnormal. You should tell your mom so she can try to call a pediatrician to check that out.

I hope this helps!

by (154k points)
Well, it is pretty normal if you’ve pretty recently started it… or if you’ve had serious bouts of stress.
0 votes
by (5.8k points)
Omg I feel so bad for you.

My school is an all girls school and if we get our periods we have been told to take a pad or tampon out our bag, hold it in our hand, stand up and say I'm going to the bathroom. We have to say it in a way that is telling not asking. If the teacher says no, this is important we tell our pshe teacher and she will go ballistic on them. She once got a teacher fired. The only teachers who have ever said no to anyone are males.... I wonder why....

Girl online going offline

Ps. I've not got my period yet but a few of my friends have and they all do this and it works
+1 vote
by (2.4k points)
My advice for you is always wear dark pants on your period so the blood doesn't  go through and also if your having cramps you can use a heating pad or take pills. and if you miss your period that's totally normal for your age I didn't even start my period until I was in the 5th grade .Always be yourself no matter what even if your going through tough times you can always ask me for advice or anything. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day stay safe girly .


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