+5 votes
in Polls by (31.2k points)
yesterday I a marble almost hit my head, I fell right next to an outlet, and almost fell on the concrete on the back of my head, coincidence or not? what do you think is going on here?
by (1.0k points)

Is part of life.regular_smile​​​​​

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (64.3k points)
Did you see a black cat recently?
by (126k points)
The question is: did you see the SAME black cat TWICE going the same direction???

For all of you psychopaths that have never watched watched the Matrix just ignore me.
by (31.2k points)
by (543k points)
I watched the first 5 minutes or so, @duke. It was way too confusing.
by (126k points)
The Matrix is meant to be confusing. You just gotta understand it. I was able to understand it right away but not everyone does.
by (116k points)
Verse 1:
Floatin' in the Matrix, tryin' to escape reality
My mind's in a state of shock, caught in a web of mystery
Gettin' lost in the tech, trying to find a way out
I'm in the middle of a storm, I'm screamin' with no doubt

I'm stuck in the Matrix, can't find my way out
It's like a maze of deceit, just tryin' to work it out
My thoughts are confused, I'm feelin' lost and alone
It's like I'm stuck in a game, I'm tryin' to make it home

Verse 2:
Caught up in a web of lies, I'm tryin' to break free
My vision is blurred, I'm searchin' for the key
The walls are startin' to close in, I'm feeling the pressure
But I can't give up, I gotta keep it together

I'm stuck in the Matrix, can't find my way out
It's like a maze of deceit, just tryin' to work it out
My thoughts are confused, I'm feelin' lost and alone
It's like I'm stuck in a game, I'm tryin' to make it home
by (126k points)
NIIICCCEEE mate. Spot on. I bet Reeves would approve.
+2 votes
by (524k points)
I believe you are just very clumsy.

by (126k points)
Best opinion ever.
by (524k points)

Why thank you bow

+2 votes
by (543k points)
I don't think a Marble hitting your head would do anything much.

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