+9 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 26: Reunion

The grass was undoubtedly more sharp then when Adonis had walked on it for the first time. There was a different coldness to the wind, too, and it lingered about with an unwelcoming feel. You could tell by the moon that this was a different night... After all, the clouds did cover everything but its blinding ray.

Maxine didn't look like she knew where she was going. Adonis had bitten back all urge to confront her about this, but it was getting more and more difficult to be patient. She did have a determined look on her face, though. And who was he to criticize her navigation—he didn't know where to go, either. But the constant turn-arounds, "Shoot, a dead-end"'s, it was becoming too much for Adonis' anxiety. He just wanted to see his friends.

He then heard something rustle in the bush they were heading to pass. His eyes went wide, his body bracing for a certain ambush.

A fox leaped out the green curtain of leaves, triggering a spastic hop back from Adonis. He yelped, Maxine quickly going over to comfort him as he wept on the ground. "Adonis!" She called to him, in his face. He did not hear her, though. He could only hear the barbaric cry of a hooded enemy, threatening his life with a bow drawn at his heart.

"You're fine! You're fine, Adonis! You're okay, you're with me..." Maxine hugged him tightly. His emotions became more audible, and now his tears perfusely falling from his face. He struggled to remain in reality, but the reality was that there wasn't any threat. He knew that, but he still rocked back and forth behind his knees. "It's just a fox," he managed to utter. He was muffled underneath Maxine's embrace. "That's right," Maxine replied softly, letting go of him just a little. "It's just a fox. And you know what? They can't hurt you. They're passive, like the all dunderheads here. 'Know what else?" She asked. Adonis slowly raised his head to see her grinning. "What?" He croaked.

"We're stronger then all of them!" She stated happily. He smirked, too.

Maxine got herself up, grunting. She held a hand out to him, and the glow of the moon gracefully reflected upon her. She looked like a savior of some sort.

"Wanna see the others?"

He wiped his face, now he was looking determined. "Yeah!" He responded, taking her hand and pulling up. They looked at each other for a moment. "It's so great to have a friend like you," Adonis said. "If you weren't here—"

"Let's not think about it," Maxine interrupted. "We both know that if I wasn't here, you'd be lost and afraid, then I'd come looking for you—because I'm your hero, and all—and you'd be sitting here, getting jumpscared by foxes and losing your mind."

Adonis finally busted his composure. His laugh echoed throughout the forest, mixing with her hearty laugh. Once they finally stopped, he couldn't hold back his questions anymore. "Speaking of being 'lost and afraid'... Do you actually know where we're going?"

"As a matter of fact," Maxine said proudly, taking a deep breath in. She let out the noise she absorbed in a deafening wail. "MAXINE!" Adonis screamed, covering his ears. But she kept on. "ALOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOOOO" She yelled. Just then, familiar faces appeared out of nowhere in the towering trees above them.

Adonis couldn't have been more happy to see those Webner

Wayne had looked like he was about to fall out of the highest tree any second now, Evan looked cool in his frog stance in the second highest tree, Sage's legs were propped up on a higher branch that was still located on her tree, and Webner was dangling from the same tree that Winnie was standing yelling at him on. It was a very comic scene, and Adonis could feel his tears rushing back to him.

"Surprise!" Webner yelled.

Adonis was completely lost for words. All he could do was stare at his friends.

"WEBNER, YOU'RE GONNA FALL IF YOU KEEP DOING THAT!" Winnie hollered angrily. He was grinning from the sides of his face, still. Sage was laughing at them both, and her hair got in the way of her face a little.

"Well?" Evan called down at Adonis. "Are you happy to see us?" Wayne was now holding on to the body of his tree, by the way.

Adonis swallowed down his lasting tears. Maxine gave him a nod, a smirk, and a playful punch in the shoulder.

"You... You have no idea."

End of Chapter 26.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I am unbelievably sorry for the long wait. I didn't even know how to start the chapter x3

I still am processing some stuff. I have to get used to the fact that the majority of my fans have now left the site... Funny when you think about it :,]

Anyways, here it is, and I hope you continue to grow along with me and the crew as we progress through this adventure with certain uncertainty and perfect imperfection :)

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (544k points)
I won't leave until at least all the chapters are done in both setsm
by (526k points)
So... You're not leaving until I'm finished with at least 2 books?

Also, what did you think? :D
by (544k points)
good. I liked how it was more bite sized than some of your other ones
by (526k points)
Bite sized..? Not sure I understand.
by (544k points)
by (526k points)
0 votes
by (13.7k points)
After i take a shower im reading the entire series. This chapter was so good
by (526k points)
Thank you!

I will warn you, the first few chapters may not be as... Matured in phrasing and description.

I assume you're out of the shower by now x3
0 votes

Take your time. Nobody should be rushing you. Its your story, not theirs.

Also this was so freaking awesome-

This was the first thing that genuinely made me happy all day, so thank you for that :)

I kept reading Webner as Wilbur xD.

Although most of your fans are inactive/are taking a break, I will always be sure to tune in for some more HB. Always >:D

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (526k points)






Also, I just noticed after I read through it that I accidentally put "Webner" in a random place on the screen x3

WHAT I MEANT TO SAY WAS, "Adonis couldn't be more happy to see those faces."

My tablet is getting on my last nerve >:[

Anyways, I can't thank you enough for doing this, literally...

Every time we start talking I want to keep conversating with you because you make me so happy :D

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