Let's call a truce- no politics put-downs. *We can all talk about politics, but no flags, thumbs downs, accusations, disagreements, insensitivity, fighting, or dry commentary from the Trump side, Hillary side, and Third party side. We were all friends before the election, and I don't think this is what should break the KS community. Plus, it's over. Trump won. No use fighting about something that can't be changed. Anyone who thinks we should all call a truce should post an apology message and say that they agree to the truce. I'll say it too.
I, ❤️GryffindorGal❤️, am very sorry that I caused anyone to feel upset. I hope to never make anyone feel that way. I agree to this truce.
*What I mean by this, is you could say "I think Trump is great" but not "I think Trump is great and Hillary is stupid and ugly". I know this is voicing your opinion, but it could hurt someone's feelings.