+13 votes
in Other Reviews by (775k points)

I decided that every thursday, instead of Viking Diaries I'm going to do Nordic album reviews. this week's album is Morlid by Helene Bøksle. 


Genre : Folk, Pop, Classical

Release year : 2009

Artist : Helene Bøksle

Track count : 11

Languages : Norwegian, Danish


1. Kom Sommarvind - 8/10. Really like the instrumental, the lyrics are amazing aswell.

2.  Vise i Mai. - 5/10.  I've listened to enough 17 Mai (Norwegian Independence day) specials and this is not that good. Helene made a 17 mai song 10 years after this album, and it is amazing. You could tell that Helene improved from this song there. 

3. Den Svalde vind - 8/10. The beginning was meh but I love the ending and middle. 

4. Ikkon - 10/10. This song has been one of my favorites for MONTHS. I love this song so much.

5. Denne Uro - 5/10. Very sad. Ik some people might consider me to be a Hypocript because on the next few ratings of the song, but this song is not it.

6. Var Jag er Vind - 10/10. Helene's voice in Danish sounds amazing. I really love the lyrics and I am in love with the music video as well. 

7. På Trammen -  8/10. Very Relaxing, It gives off Norwegian-American vibes for some reason

8. Slängs polska - 9/10. Ik Polkas are mostly supposed to be instrumental, and even thought I like lyrics the instrumental is AWESOME. indeed a 9/10

9. Svansles Sang - 7/10. Reminds me of like 2000s pop which is kinda what this album is. Overall I really like the instrumental as well

10. Brudemarsj Fra sørfold - 6/10. Very relaxing, however because it is instrumental and because it is not an original song I give it a 6/10.

11. Gje Meg Handa - 4/10. pretty boring, not like the other songs. also wayy too long. IT IS 8 MINUTES-


anyways, I might do more of these album reviews. if this gets 3 upvotes Im gonna make this weekly!

btw the next album Im reviewing is Olmmai  by Maiken Kemi.


by (775k points)

nvm my next review is Viking Memories. By SKÁLD because its their 5th  anniversary and also rip Justine (Justine is their former lead singer but she is no longer with us)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I love Helene Boksle as well. My fave album by her is The Blue Wave

by (775k points)

Mine is either Elverhøy or Sanger Fra Vår Ø

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