+11 votes
in Writing Contests by (526k points)

The atmosphere was teeming with volcanic dust. Nolan's mind was on something other than the air, though

He was seated on his ​​​​​​beanbag, overlooking the book he had found in his father's mysterious cellar. His father wouldn't like his son venturing anywhere near his stuff, especially the forbidden cellar he was threatened with his life with. But he was going to find the secrets that it held, whether his father liked it or not.

And this book was certainly the key.



Why, I hope this is enough to win :]

Maybe I'll make this into a story if you guys would like it. Sorry it wasn't that long!

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

by (526k points)
Wowow, 3 likes!

I don't think an entry this short deserves three likes, but I am very grateful for it regardless!

1 Answer

0 votes
by (137k points)
Great submission, and a wonderful cliffhanger, I would love if you would write some more onto this, it would be quite the story.
by (526k points)

I love to hear this kind of feedback! I'll make sure to take this into account!

I would actually very much like to make this into a story, so thank you for encouraging me a-=D

by (137k points)
Thank you, I'd love to see it come into fruition, your writing skills are amazing.
by (526k points)
Thank you so much, fren!

Also, what nickname would you like? You seem to have a lot of choices x3
by (137k points)
I really dont know, Joe's probably the shortest.
by (526k points)

Okie dokie Joe! We're close friends already I believe a-=D

And if you don't think that, at least we're getting there.

by (137k points)

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