+10 votes
in Random Posts by (137k points)
Everybody's pretty inactive right now, so I decided to try to entertain those who are. It's just kinda a fun little thing, for y'all to talk about.

Have fun!

(If y'all run out of instruments or something, try asking echother your favorite instruments or try to find the most exotic instrument (bet y'all have never heard of the calliope))

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
I tried my hand at piano and cello. I like the look of the cello and think it sounds really good... except for when I play it. The cello isn't too high like a violin, and not too low like a bass. Piano is great because it has incredible range and sounds fantastic.
by (521k points)

High-five :D
by (137k points)
Hey, as a cello player, I can tell you that harmonics (and just generally playing at a higher register) on cello can be really high, and you even play treble clef at a certain level. But yeah, it doesn't go that low, at least it's not a viola.
by (137k points)
The piano has 7 octaves, but the cello can go up to 6 octaves.
+3 votes
by (154k points)
Violin or flute! I play flute myself :)
by (137k points)
Cool, my mom plays flute and piccolo too. The flute sounds really good.
+2 votes
by (521k points)
My favorite instrument would probably be either the piano or my voice. My voice is the only instrument out of those two that I really know how to use x3

by (137k points)
Great! What do you sing? (For example: I sing baritone)
by (521k points)
I didn't see this x3

I find it sorta difficult to sing really high, so I'm definitely not a soprano. It's easier but not extremely easy for me to go low, but I can't remember the female equivalent to a low voice type :[
by (947k points)
I think I talk a soprano. I know my voice is high-pitched.
by (521k points)
Do you sing a soprano?

For instance, if you know Mariah Carey, she sings soprano. She can go, like, reeaaaaally high.
by (947k points)
I’m pretty sure I sing a soprano.
by (521k points)
Ah, okay. Coolio!

Not many people can do that :)
by (137k points)
Nobi, I think the middle for a female might be either alto or mezzo-soprano.
by (521k points)
Ah, yeah I thought so. So I'm an alto that can go to sorta deep ranges (for a female, that is)
by (137k points)
Ok, cool.
+1 vote
by (947k points)
Physical instruments? I would say maybe a piano or electric guitar.
by (137k points)
Any instruments, even voice or something.
by (947k points)
Oh. Then my voice.
by (137k points)
That's awesome! What do you sing?
by (947k points)
Whatever I want to sing. Earlier today I tried to sing “Creeper, Aw Man”. I sang most of it. (I had a bit trouble with the rap part though)
by (137k points)
Oh, well I sing baritone, although I don't have the range as a standard baritone because I haven't exercised my voice in a while.

I can't rap either though, my mouth just doesn't want to move that fast.
by (947k points)
I sang it again and I sang it near perfectly. I got all of TryHardNinja’s vocals (the main song) and most of CaptainSparklez’s vocals (the rap).
by (137k points)
Cool, that's cool.
+3 votes
by (116k points)

I'm very good at it.

Ever heard a song called River Flows In You?
by (137k points)
Yea, I've heard that one.
by (116k points)
I can play it flawlessly just like the composer
by (137k points)
Have you played some more famous ones like Clair de Lune, Moonlight sonata 1st or 3rd mov. Maybe Liszt's (completely overused) La Campanella?

I have a challenge for you, try playing Stanchinsky's piano sonata in E-flat minor, I think I would be a bit difficult to play because of how it incorporates polyrythm (although that may have been present in "The River Flows in you").
by (137k points)
Maybe even more difficult, have you played Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 (the Hamelin cadenza optional of course)?

There's a great recording of Hamelin himself playing it on YouTube, you should really check it out.
by (116k points)
Ok i'll try the challenge then report back to you.

I have played moonlight sonata 3rd movement.
by (521k points)
Speaking of that, Joe, my fingers span from 13-14 keys :D
by (137k points)
Cool, Ive tried playing that piece, but I couldn't. Good luck!
by (137k points)
Wow, that's quite the range, how difficult are octaves for you?
by (521k points)

Assuming you're talking about how difficult it is to span my fingers that long, it isn't really that hard. I felt a sort of strain when I tried to go to the 14th white key, but I had less strain when I just moved my thumb to the black key, probably because it was a little closer to the 13th white key than the 14th white key. So I rounded it to 14, because I included all the black keys and though I'd include that one too a-=D

(I hope that's what you were asking and I don't just sound like a noon because I didn't understand the question x3)

by (137k points)

So, this is an octave.The distance between any two notes of that distance is an octave (and there are 13 total notes in an octave)

by (137k points)

This is also an octave. 

by (137k points)
It's easier to understand if I say that an octave is 8 white keys.
by (521k points)
So what you're saying is that if I want to do an octave, I just make sure there is 6 white keys in between the two (white) keys that I have my fingers on?
by (137k points)
Yes, absolutely. And the reason that the octave is so standardized is because an octave is exactly double another notes frequency. It is used very commonly in music because the same note but just in two forms sounds good. (And also, there are actually 12 notes in an octave and the octave note isn't actually counted)
by (947k points)
I think my vocal range is 3 octaves.

You guys?
by (137k points)
I don't know, I haven't exercised my vocal cords In a while, I'll get back to you though.
+2 votes
by (770k points)
the nyckelharpa. Its a Swedish instrument
by (137k points)
Oh, that's really cool.
by (137k points)
Wow, I've just looked it up, it's really cool, the way they incorporate those extra strings, violin makers should take note. And the sheer genius it must've taken to make this in the 1300's, that's crazy!
by (770k points)
ik its very noice
by (137k points)

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