+11 votes
in Nordic Club by (780k points)

oh well

Greenland  - Yes and Nor, Greenland benefits a lot from Denmark's independence, but at the same time I think Denmark will be one of the biggest countries

Sapmi - YES. Sapmi already has a government and the Sami have been suffering for years. so make them independent. I dont know if Putin will like that decision tho (Sapmi covers parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia)

Aland - No. I think instead Aland should be owned by Sweden. The people of Aland must have an Identity crisis because they are technically Finns, but they speak Swedish.

Faroe Islands  - Yes, probably to increase Tourism and Jobs

Svalbard/Jan Mayen - No. Svalbard is very underpopulated (2,000 people) Plus without  Svalbard, there will be a loss of Jobs in Norway (Svalbard has some good jobs) also Svalbard's laws are pretty stupid. It is illegal to die and it is illegal to have cats.

lemme know what u think

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
agreed on all except Aland. Aland on its own should be a province rather than a territory, or it could be a Swedish city (if Stockholm is 14 diferent Islands then Aland can be its own city)
by (780k points)
understandable. have a nice day
+1 vote
by (955k points)
I honestly have no opinion since I haven’t done a lotta research on the territories, but in Longyearbyen (in Svalbard), it’s actually illegal to be buried there, not die there.

Reason? Scientists uncovered some dead bodies buried in Longyearbyen (before the law was made) and found that they died of a virus. It’s permafrost, so the bodies were well-preserved. To the point where even the strands of live viruses were preserved.

Obviously, nobody wanted a huge virus outbreak in the city, so the law that nobody could be buried in Longyearbyen was made into effect. Nowadays, usually, when someone is about to die, they’re transferred to mainland Norway.
by (780k points)
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Cool, never heard of those places, but cool nonetheless.


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