+10 votes
in Important Studios by (525k points)
I am in such a state of melancholy—

I honestly don't know what to do. I've ran out of things to say, and post, and do, and half of me wants to just make most of my time on here writing chapters of whatever the what I'm going to do, but I just think of how long it's gonna take and the fact that I don't even know what to do.

And I feel like I'm losing touch with some of my close friends on here, like Dino and others.

Most of the people on here who made things fun either left or went extremely inactive... It threw me into this state of just... Blank.

Lately it's been the worst. I feel so bland, I don't really feel like myself. I try to make my comments as happy and things as I can but I really...

I dunno. That's all I can say.

I. Really. Do. Not. Know.

This isn't, like, depression or anything. I just have this random sense of nothingness. Maybe I'll just make most of my existence on here popping out chapters left and right, hoping that will cure everything I'm feeling. Maybe it won't, maybe it will. Nothing's ever definite.

I hope my stories will bring more happiness into this community. If I wasn't so lazy, that is.

This was more of a rant than an important post...

See you in the next one,

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

(PS, please don't worry about me, this was honestly just a rant, it's probably a phase, it probably doesn't need a whole lot of attention. I'm good... For the most part.)

8 Answers

0 votes
by (159k points)
You’ll always be my friend nobi.

Even when one of us (maybe both of us) turn 18, we could exchange our like new social media account names. Honestly, you are probably my bestest friend on here. I wont go inactive now.
by (525k points)
Yeah, I would love that! You're one if my bestest friends on here, too :]

And thank you so much for helping me :)
0 votes
by (951k points)
Please don’t leave. Please don’t.
by (525k points)

O my Elo

I wasn't going to, but this convinced me not to regardless x3

I honestly didn't know that you... Cared this much about me :]

Don't worry, I'm not going to let my emotions get in the way of my time on here. I'll figure them out. I'll get better.

I have ya'll :,)

0 votes
by (543k points)
I' still here!
by (525k points)
I appreciate you and everyone. I really do :)

I told you guys not to worry about me and here we are with all of these answers x3
0 votes
by (212k points)
ill post more fren :D

also i kinda feel the same..

i think i upset dino somehow- he hasnt been talking to meeeeeeeeeeee :sob:
by (525k points)
It just hurts that he went from being active everyday, and us interacting with each other everyday, to him being extremely inactive and now we hardly get to talk to each other... That could make someone a little depressed.
by (212k points)
he never talks to me----

i said i missed him what did i get??? the silent treatment -.-
+1 vote
by (154k points)
I feel the exact same way ngl. You aren’t alone!

I mean… if you feel like nothing, maybe that’s why your username is nobodyimportant-

by (525k points)
Nah, it's good Sloth! That was a really cool joke x3

I love humour, even in my dark times. Don't think I'll ever judge any of you for cracking jokes or anything :)
0 votes
by (1.5k points)
I am sorry, some people just don't want the same stuff that they once had. It sucks though, just remember that there is someone who is feeling the same way. You are NOT alone.
by (525k points)

Thank you abundantly for your kind words, Patrick Star.

I also love SpongeBob a-=D

0 votes
by (159k points)

Love from me and

Buttah dog

The dog with the buttah on him

Seriously though nobi, we’re here for you. You’re an angel and the least we could do in return is be here for you.

by (525k points)

I love ya'll so much in_love

And buttah dog, the dog with the buttah on him :]

by (159k points)

Buttah dog loves you too

He’s so happy to see you

Love from me and the rest of the KT community too!

by (525k points)
I feel like you are trying to destroy me with the cuteness of this dog—
by (159k points)

No hes just trying to rip his way through to screen to give you a hug

He does love you fyi he just let me know

by (525k points)

He's breaking the fourth wall for real!
0 votes
by (137k points)

Will he cheer you up?

Buttah dog

The dog with the buttah on him

by (525k points)
Yes... that sort of does cheer me up, thank you x3
by (137k points)


See, he's smiling at you!

by (525k points)

O wow he actually is

That is unbelievably cute in_love


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