+11 votes
in Viking Diaries by (776k points)

guess who accideantly blasted Joiks during recesss at school 

Me a-B)

anywayswho, a Joik is a form of acapella-style singing by the Sami people (indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia and Russia) and it is "a person, animal or object as soundwaves"

Also I was blasting some Joiks into my purple headphones (because im bored) the song espiecally was Jag är Fri (I am Free) by Jon Henrik Fjällgren. I really like his music because he is Hispanic and because we have similar birthdays. 

Some kid came up to me and asked "what is that horrible music?" and everyone looked at me. turns out my headphones were disconnected

Some uhh sources about Sami people cuz im boredoming 

Jag ar Fri by Jon Henrik Fjallgren (live from Melodifastiven 2015)

Documeantry about The Sami People (unblocked on my School computer)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (117k points)
Best answer
that sami gurl has drip
0 votes
by (776k points)
why did I wake up with 65 notifications, anyways thanks and make sure to answer
0 votes
by (776k points)
I ws actually shocked the docu was able to be avaiable lol


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