+9 votes
in KidzTube Requests by (775k points)

could you add some songs by KEiiNO,  Maiken Kemi,  Harald Foss, Jon Henrik Fjallgren and Garmarna. here's my reasoning on each

KEiiNO : Their Music is very positive and a lot of their songs are kid-friendly. I really love their music

Maiken Kemi Maiken is an absoultely underrated Sami singer and she is a teenager. again, all her songs are very positive and she is super underrated (she only has 55 monthly listeners on spotify but she desserves more).

Jon Henrik Fjallgren. His songs are kid friendly as well (2 appeared on the Sami dubbing of Frozen 2, along with his daughter) and he is super talented 

Garmarna  garmarna's music teaches about moments in Swedish history. Plz only add their more appropiate songs (like Oppet Hav)

Harald Foss Like Garmarna, his songs teach about Norwegian history. His songs have been performed with children, so theyre kinda appropiate (Btw if some are marked explicit theyre not. Idk why Stamford Brua is marked explicit even htought it dosent contain swearing)

plz add these artists. Kidztube is very Undiverse when it comes to music (only American music) , and adding Scandinavian artists will help. 

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (137k points)
Best answer
Yeah, I would like some more diversity in kidztube.
by (137k points)
*wink wink*
by (775k points)
Yeah. Not everyone is an American teenage girl who likes Taylot Swift
by (951k points)
KidzMusic only has kid’s pop and Christian music. Not exactly what I listen to.
by (775k points)

I am Christian but I dont listen to Christian music

FIne. There is one Christian song I like. But it is in Norwegian Zinklars Visa by Stromi

by (137k points)
by (951k points)
Yeah. KidzMusic is KidzSearch’s music platform.
by (775k points)
this ages like spoilt milk.

I also like The Emigrants movie soundtrack (technically The Emigrants is kinda faith-based so yes)
+1 vote
by (775k points)

I feel like KS just wants to shove popularity down my throat.  I cant be unique now, all the music they have is either Taylor Swift and Kidzbop, and I hate both. (unless kidzbop did covers of nordic songs) so plz KT I am on my knees for some Nordic music praying-hands

by (345k points)
We will add some Nordic music plus more great classical music too this week.
by (775k points)
by (775k points)
All you guys added are  Kidz Bop
by (345k points)
New updates are going out later today.
by (775k points)
You guys only added 2 Nordic songs and more taylor swift

KT dosent care about their users
by (345k points)
We have more coming out soon.
by (775k points)
you guys only added a tiktok compilation

They dont care about users requests
by (524k points)

Nordic, can you please sound somewhat appreciative?

They do care about users' requests. If they didn't care, they wouldn't have added any Nordic videos.

by (345k points)
We really do try our best with requests. However, KidzTube is used by millions of kids each month, so we need to have wide interest quality content. We think Nordic music is great and will try to find more that meets our criteria.
by (775k points)
but why is 90% of your music the same thing?

try to fit all genres
by (775k points)
yeah, Not everyone is a swiftie and kidz bop fan

thats what you guys think everyone is

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