+10 votes
in Choleral Carly Chronicles by (778k points)

So as you guys know, I have a cousin who is Swedish-American. Let's call him L. So this was a conversation me and L had

Me : what's up 

L : so I have good news

Me : Hva?

L : so I made this (he made a drawing of him and me holding a Sweden flag)

Me : "that's beautiful* (Tears in my eyes)

L: thanks for connecting with my heritage when I cant 

Me : *smiles*

The end lol

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (527k points)
Best answer
That generally warms my heart...

I love that for you :]

Keep doing awesomesauce work, Carly! You're really making a difference!

by (778k points)

also one of my main goals in life is to go to EVERY SINGLE scandinavian heritage center in the US

I went to 3 out of 127 heritage centers >:D
by (527k points)

Only 124 remaining! :D
by (778k points)

(im going to a lot next year cuz Minnesota trip)
0 votes
by (778k points)
why is everyone feeling so happy about me???
by (137k points)
Because you're so happy! (///∇///)
+1 vote
by (955k points)
Wait… if your Swedish-American cousin is biological, then you must have a little bit of Swedish in you.
by (778k points)

*cries in moneyless*
I want 23andme :( 

are there cheaper alternatives (Not Ancetsry, I hate Ancestry.com with a burning passion)

by (527k points)
I actually will NOT forget my zodiac sign because I have a slight obsession with zodiacs—
by (955k points)
You can determine if you have for example Scandinavian in you without doing a DNA test. That’s how I concluded that I was about 25% Scandinavian.

I just need to know if your cousin is a 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, etc. to determine how much Swedish is in you. What’s more important though is if they are biologically related to you.
by (778k points)
idk man

Wait stop im a Genealogist and Im getting confused over genealogy lol
by (955k points)
Well, do your cousins have the same grandparents as you? (Not great-grandparents, just your parent’s parents)
by (778k points)
IDK I only see Logan like 3 times a year
+1 vote
by (118k points)
Congrats Carly

I know you are not Scandinavian,  but if you were, Your ancestors will be extremely proud

So proud of you!


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