+11 votes
in History / Social Sci by (785k points)

So uhh. Im Very bored, so I decided to write about Scandinavian history. Idk what to write, so here is something I wrote while I was watching Season 1, Episode 3 of The Great Norway Adventure and eating Lefse so yeah. this took me 45 minutes, so yeah

It all started in 790 AD (or CE, if you’re not Christian) When The Viking empire was founded by the Norwegians, The Swedes and The Danes. They raided and explored many parts of Europe, Like England, Spain and Ireland. They went as far as discovering parts of North Africa (Morocco) and North America. In the year 1000, Leif Eriksson stepped foot in Newfoundland (In which he called it Vinland) as the 1st European in the Americas.

A few years after Leif discovered America, The Vikings stopped their raiding and exploring and became Christians. Then, in the 1300s, Denmark had a great Idea.

The Kalmar Union (Nordic Union) was created by Denmark to unite ALL of Scandinavia (Even Greenland, Iceland and Faroe Islands) The union was held for a few hundred years… Until a war with the King proceeded to start a war in Stockholm, and the Kalmar union died in 1597.

Meanwhile, life was decent for the other Nordic countries. Denmark controlled Norway, Sweden started forming a colonial empire controlling parts of The Caribbean (later sold to Denmark), Germany, the USA and even Venezuela. Finland was starting to recognize the Excistence of The Sámi (Indigenous Scandinavians) and Iceland…. Well Iceland was just existing.

After everyone was doing their own thing for the 200 years, Norway wanted to be independent from Denmark, so Norway got a minor independence from Denmark… But Because Denmark is EVIL (No it isnt, the real reason is because Denmark wanted to take over Jämtland, A province of Sweden) Norway formed an Union with Sweden.

Because of this, lots of chaos happened. There was poverty, Famine, Overpopulation, Religious conflict… If it is bad, then its probably on this list. Due to this, a lot of Scandinavians moved and started settlements in the USA, Mostly in the Midwest (I might make a History of The Scandinavian-Americans as an October 9th Special) After a while, a war happened because Norwegians wanted freedom, so they got their freedom in 1905.

Then came the world wars. Finland (almost) got taken by the Soviet Union, but because Finland is strong and powerful and magical. Finland became skilled and the USSR didn’t take them. However, Norway and Denmark… They werent Lucky

Today, There are 5 countries and 6 Territories in Scandinavia, all with a combined population of 25 Million (Not counting Scandinavian-Americans) And they are all ranked as some of the Happiest, Safest, and Peaceful countries in the world. But all of this, came a Loooong way.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (120k points)
Best answer
This is so Amazingest


also when u talked about WWII, that was amazing. we are indeed magical Finns
by (785k points)

Because you are worthy of your Finnish-American  heritage

I shall do what you say
+1 vote
by (120k points)
this desserves more upvotes

I mean Carly got 0 uovotes on her post about her cousin so uhh yeah
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Wow, that's some extensive knowledge, impressive.
by (785k points)
im currently writing one on the history of Scandinavian-Americans because I am losing so many braincells
by (137k points)
I wished I loved writing as much as you, GC, and nobi do.

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