+7 votes
in Nalish (Nidal + Salish) by (28.8k points)
They went on a date Are they finally going to be a couple?
yes (2 votes, 15%)
no (10 votes, 77%)
maby so (1 vote, 8%)

9 Answers

0 votes
by (4.0k points)
C'mon. They're children. Let them live their life without being told "KISS KISS KISS KISS". The only thing worse than doing this is shipping an adult with a child.
by (949k points)
Especially if the older person is 18 years and 0 days and the younger person is 17 years and 364 days.
0 votes
YESSSSS!!!!! Nalish needs to become a thing. they are so cute together and they are best friends too. But is anyone wondering why Salish didn't come visit nidal when he was in the hospital. If it was Salish in the hospital nidal would be there in a few seconds
by (4.0k points)
kinda creepy tho
+5 votes
by (116k points)

<--- Karlstina Shippers upvote here

SAIN-lukijat ovat uskomatto

This is real

Dont read this text

I speak Suomi og Svenska

Carly and Inga are gigachads

Namissä ovat skandinaaviset kollegani

yesntilish is werid


by (773k points)



+1 vote
by (773k points)
whoever said yes needs to read SAINs
by (159k points)
Whoever said anything needs to watch Adizzpro videos on youtube
0 votes


by (773k points)
Bro supports something bad
+2 votes
by (137k points)

fireBURN THE WITCH!!!fire

by (97.9k points)
Bahahaha I fell out of bed XD
+2 votes
by (159k points)
Nalish is disgusting.

Nidal wonder and salish matter are okay i guess, but shipping them is gross.
by (773k points)
yeah I agree.
I really don’t think so they are adorable together.
by (773k points)
Go touch grass
by (773k points)


this is an actually good ship

Karlistina forever

Nailish is disgusting

by (116k points)
Bro needs some SAINs
by (949k points)
Nah, both of those ships are trash.
+2 votes
by (523k points)
Can you please not bring this up?


It's too controversial :(

by (949k points)
Everything on Earth is controversial, Nobby.
+1 vote
by (773k points)


- A The Emigrants fan

at least Karlstina is real, and theyre not kids

by (207k points)

Shipping: Adults. A little strange I think, but at the same time it's more normal.

Shipping: Kids. GROSS.

Shipping: Fictional characters. Not weird to me, I just don't like when they ship EVERYSINGLE CHARACTER FROM A SERIES
by (773k points)
In The Emigrants, I only ship Karl and Kristina because they are cannonly married, and Måns and Ulrika because they are cannonly dating (Måns does die in the 2nd book)


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