+12 votes
in Other by (778k points)

yes I want to have a job when I grow up



here's my dream job






Ya scrolling?






almost done





*drumroll* omgomg

 working at a Nordic heritage center  this is pretty obvious. I want to work with kids and teens so they learn about their Nordic heritage and how to love it. I want to work in the USA, but I want to travel across the country aswell. I probably want to work at Nordicfest  (or any Nordic festival) as a summer job and as a Genealogist as a year-round job if a year-round job at a Nordic heritage center isnt possible, if it is let me know

I also might need a Plan B because I dont know if you have to have Nordic ancestry to work in these places, In most Nordic coumunities 25% or more is considered Nordic-American, and I am Venezuelan so Idk if I can work here. if yes let me know

usually I hate talking to people my age but they can ask me anything about Scandinavia (as long as it isnt something weird like "What is Norway" or "do people live in Finland" )

also, If you know any Nordic places in the USA (Prefferly the south, but the places can be Festivals, Heritage and Genealogy centers, stores, museums etc) let me know because I feel like travellling and I want to visit EVERY Nordic place in the USA (so far im at 3 places)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (545k points)
Best answer
Guess mine!

I have a few lined up

In order of desire to want them

1. Mojang employee

2. Writer

3. Minecraft YouTuber
by (64.3k points)
Minecraft youTuber?
by (545k points)
by (64.3k points)
I knew it.
0 votes
by (778k points)

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