+14 votes
in Games / Toys by (350k points)

     ~Harry Potter Adventure Game: Castle Wanderings~       

~                          Part One.                                

You are in Gryffindor House, and currently you are sitting in the Common Room. Tonight you are to wander the castle and avoid all the obstacles. Will you survive, be caught, or...  most unpleasant of all.... die? Start with number 1 below when you are ready to start the game and find out. When you have played, tell me below what your fate was! Enjoy!

1. You are sitting in the best armchair by the fire and have to figure out how to escape the Common Room without Gred and Feorge (Fred and George) catching you and inviting you to a game of Exploding Snap. You have two choices: perform a Disillusionment Charmon yourself or cause enough mayhem to escape.

Go to number 3 if you choose the Charm; go to number 2 if you cause mayhem.

2. You pick up a Fillybuster Firework and throw it as hard as you can across the room. It lands in the fire, spitting like crazy. Gred and Feorge turn their heads sideways, like everyone else, to stare dumbfounded at the fire. You rush to the portrait hole and slide through.

Go to number 4 when you get out of the portrait hole.

3. Quick as a flash, you trace your wand over yourself. You feel as if someone has broken an egg on your head as you blend in with the background. Then you turn and dash to the portrait hole, almost invisible.

Go to number 5 when you get out of the portrait hole.

4. "Why are you out of your Common Room?" blusters the Fat Lady. She points back inside the Room. "Give me a good reason to be out or go back inside!" You search for words. You can tell her one of two things, "I have to go to the bathroom," or "I thought I heard something."

Go to 6 if you said you had to go to the bathroom; go to number 7 if you said you heard something.

5. You slip out silently, no one noticing you, and you tear up the hallways. But then you feel your skin prickle and the Disillusionment Charm wears off. You must've not have done it well enough. And to your utter horror, you've just met Peeves! 

Go the number 8.

6. "I have to go to the bathroom," you say. The Fat Lady nods. "Be quick, or I'll report you." You smile and dash off, past the suits of armor lining the walls, and stop at the bathroom. Then you glance around and continue running.

Go to 9 when you run out of breath.

7. "I-I thought I hear something," you stutter. The Fat Lady fixes you with a icy stare. "I have heard nothing," she says coldly, "now get back to your Common Room!" Head down, you traspe back inside, failure weighing on your shoulders.

The end! Better luck next time... Tell me down below if you met this fate!

8. Peeves swoops like a bat above you. "STUDENTS OUT OF BED! STUDENTS IN THE CORRIDORS!" he yells at the top of his lungs. You have two choices once again, you can preform the jinx that sticks the tounge to the roof of the mouth or risk running off and away from Peeves.

Go to number 10 of you perform the jinx; go to 11 if you try to run.

9. You run out of breath... But then you see Peeves... Blowing a raspberry in your direction. With a great breath, he begins ranting about random things, like students.

Go to number 8 for Peeves's next actions.

10. ​You preform the jinx, and Peeves floats away, making rude hand gestures. With a sigh, you dash off, this time to stand at the front doors. They swing with a clatter and you pelt through, stopping at the Forbidden Forest and pelting through. With a rustle, you spin around...

11.  With a great burst of speed, you high-tail it off to the library. Then you turn outside and shove out the doors into the Forbidden Forest. Halfway through, you hear the whiz of an arrow. You've ran into a herd of centaurs, and they're not happy. You have three choices: run, jinx the centaurs, or go back to the school.

Go to 12 if you run, 13 if you jinx, or 14 if you go back to school.

12. You turn and run. The centaurs catch up with you easily, and they release arrows into the still air. You dodge, and pelt up to the castle, where Prof. McGonagall is waiting. "Well," she says severely, her nostrils flaring, "students out of bed? Go back go your Common Room, and 50 points from Gryffindor!"

The end! Better luck next time... Tell me down below if you met this fate!

13. You attempt to jinx the centaurs with a full-body bind curse. The centaurs dodge and the jinx rickashays off the trees, hitting you. Your arms and legs snap to your body and your jaw jams as you fall onto the dried leaves with a crunch.

Go to 15.

14. You dash up to school and swing open the oak doors, entering quietly. You manage to get back to the Common Room and Gred and Feorge don't even notice.

The end! Good job! Tell me down below what you want the next adventure game to be!

15. Lying in the leaves, you hear someone creeping up on you. It's none other than Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Buckbeak (this is set in the Prisoner of Azkban). Hermione waves her wand and you get up, shaking, and dash back up to the castle.

Go to 14.

Did you like it? What do you want the next game to be on?

by (350k points)
Okay I'm done with it!

3 Answers

0 votes
by (415k points)
I survived through the whole thing!
+1 vote
This is cool! I ended at number 7. Oh well!
+1 vote
by (45.3k points)
This was so fun!!! Do one for the battle of Hogwarts!
by (350k points)
Kk I'll start working on it!

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