+10 votes
in Viking Diaries by (777k points)

Soo yesterday during my in-school Art Class ( i also take Art Class After-School on Tuesday nights) we started with our project, in which we had to draw a fictional couple. For obvious reasons, I drew Kristina and Karl from The Emigrants. We had to draw our couple with colored pencils, which I dislike using, but ok I guess.

the teacher played some kids halloween music cuz halloween is next week. I didn't listen to it a lot, because now my school unblocked some Scandinavian Folk so that is a HUGE W. From what I heard, the music started decently, with Imagine Dragons, but then there was a Kidz Bop Version of Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo.

You already know how much I hate Mainstream Pop Music (well, I do love Scandinavian Pop so exceptions apply.) but seriously, Kidz Bop? Nobody likes Kidz Bop. Even Me, a Person who hates Swearing and Inappropriate content, I hate Kidz Bop.

To compare it, Scandinavian kids music is very amazing, take this song for example . It’s catchy and it is not a cringy cover.

Plz pray for me lol.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (117k points)
Best answer
Somebody should ban Kidzbop

also, That song is fire. Finnish kids music is.... weird.
by (777k points)


by (215k points)
Kidzbop is so annoying!
by (777k points)
by (954k points)
Le Cursed Bunad Gurl
by (777k points)
Ultra Cursed Bunad Girl

as a member of female humans who recieve dopamine from a country in northern europe named Norway, who also owns the traditional dress of Norway, I can comfirm cursed bunad girl is one of this
+1 vote
by (215k points)
I know this is super last but it was too quiet in my room so I searched for the post and blasted it
by (777k points)
by (215k points)
Quietness makes me uneasy 0-0
by (777k points)
+1 vote
by (215k points)
This song is goood
by (777k points)

Norwegian kids music is great

even my 50-year old mom loves it
+2 votes
by (777k points)
Oh yeah, some girl in my class wanted me to hide this because she thinks I, a 13 year old should listen to Kidz Bop instead of Nordic folk. Honestly, the original content in Kidz Bop Songs is more inappropiate than Nordic folk songs lol
by (954k points)
Alright, time to make the most possibly inappropriate Nordic folk song you’ve ever seen-

(Note: I am kidding)
by (777k points)
(You're a Norwegian-American, You have the rights)
by (954k points)
(I’m not allowed to swear but yeah, I do have the rights)
by (777k points)
Im allowed to Swear, I just dont like to swear

(there is a Finnish Folk song that does have a lot of swearing, and abuse)
by (5.8k points)
Saying now, the kidz bop version of abcdef by Gayle is a crime again against humanity. Also, is it just me who finds their voices really annoying. Just praying that they don't ruin Olivia Rodrigo either. Mainly because I think they would wreck ballad of a homeschooled girl

Beargirl Xx
by (777k points)
I respect your opinion even thought I hate those artists (not themselves but the songs due to my sesnitivities to Swearing)
by (5.8k points)
I totally get it. With Olivia Rodrigo I normally listen to the clean ones. I would really try them with the clean versions but hey, if you don't wanna thats fine. Also, have you tried six?? It's a musical and most of the music doesn't have any swearing in. Just skip over the song get down. Also, do you have any recommendations for Scandinavian music I should try???
by (777k points)
Well what genre of Scandinavian music
by (5.8k points)

What is Ur fave and I'll try that one pls

by (777k points)
I really like the song Hem Igen by Ranarim. It's in Swedish but it's a good song
by (5.8k points)
I'll try that one out
by (777k points)


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