+10 votes
in History / Social Sci by (783k points)

so, you know the article I made on Scandinavian-American history on Kidznet (https://net.kidzsearch.com/the-history-of-scandinavian-americans-october-9th-special/) I said something wrong paranoid

so, I was on Wikipedia researching the Union between Norway-Sweden *ahem, Norden* for a school essay (we had to write about failed unions, and I chose Norway-Sweden)  when I came across this goofy piece of information


hmm Yes.  nutrition

I am not the best at Nutrition, yes I passed 6th grade Health class with a 98% grade, But from what I know, Sweden was bad with Nutrition.

Keep in mind this is in the 1800s. Norway and Sweden were one country. Also, can we just talk that there was a literal Famine that lasted 4 years in Norway-Sweden. You know what was one of the reasons they moved to America? Health reasons. And No, This isn't just because of a certian book series. if u know u know


Meanwhile Finland…. Finland had    W     A      R 

with who you ask? Norden and Russia

lets just say that the 1800s were pure chaos, Iceland and Sápmi were just vibing btw

simplified, 1800s Scandinavia was starvation, war and immigration

4 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
The selected text appears to be a portion of a discussion or article written by a 13-year old on Kidztalk, a website for kids. The author mentions that they made an article on Scandinavian-American history and realized they made a mistake. They were researching the failed union between Norway and Sweden for a school essay when they came across some interesting information. They mention a famine that lasted for four years in Norway-Sweden during the 1800s, which was one of the reasons why people from the region moved to America. They also briefly mention Finland's conflicts with both Norden (presumably referring to the Nordic countries) and Russia during the same period. The author concludes by mentioning that Iceland and Sápmi (the indigenous region of the Sámi people) were "vibing" during this chaotic period. Overall, the text seems to be a personal reflection on Scandinavian history by the author.
by (783k points)
AI response
0 votes
by (783k points)
can we reach 2 upvote *real*
+1 vote
by (958k points)
Considering there was a very good chance my ancestors were in Scandinavia in the 1800s, I wonder what happened to them.
by (783k points)
they either died from the terrible conditions or migrated to America.

Probably the 2nd option, if they didn't well you wouldnt be here.
by (958k points)
It’s definitely not the 2nd option. My grandpa came to America in the 1970’s.
by (783k points)

they died skull

how did they survived 

by (958k points)
They must’ve been lucky.
by (783k points)

nah real lucky

was a guy named karl-oskar involved in this

by (958k points)
by (783k points)
Did he make porridge
by (958k points)
by (783k points)
did a 4 year old girl named Anna died from porridge (answer and upvote my recent post for more info)
by (958k points)
Yeah, but it was made by a different Karl. B)
by (783k points)
what was his name
by (958k points)
Karl Oskar Nilsson Jr.
by (783k points)
suppa late

but that is Karl's litteral last name
by (958k points)
Bet you didn’t notice the “Jr.”.
by (783k points)
by (958k points)
Yep. Karl Oskar Nilsson Jr, the guy who got his cooking skills from his father. And we both know that his father is a master cook at porridge.
by (783k points)
Where they Swedish. Or Swedewegians?
by (783k points)
and how old is that Karl guy
by (958k points)
Uh, 2.
by (783k points)
then how can a 2yr old make porridge
by (958k points)
He’s just built different.
by (783k points)
did he support the union
by (958k points)
Ask him, not me.
by (783k points)
ask your grandpa
by (958k points)
Nah, he lives across the country.
+1 vote
by (120k points)
We fought

We Starved

We Vibed
by (783k points)
Smurf cat in 1800s Scandinavia *Nat clickbait*

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