+4 votes
in Boys Advice Column by

Ok so I I go to a gym and swim meet class thing IDK what to call it.

And there every tuesday kids 9 - 13 go there. every wednesday kids over 13 go.

I have a crush that used to go there. (she got too old) Her name is Cecilia. She is 14

I am 12 (almost 13) (Male)

We barely know each other and we havent seen each other in a while.

So pretend shes a stranger.

She has a sister that gos on tuesday.

At the end of the class, she gos to pick her up.

she very briskly walks to get her.

And that is the only way i can meet her.

Please. PLEASE GUYS! Help me make a plan to be friends with her.

What can i say that has the highest chance to be friends?

I'd ask her out but im only 12. Thats another problem.

So I want to be friends with her for now and then hopefully date her later.

She does not have much time when picking the younger sister up.

I was thinking about waiting for her then approach her then saying hi then asking if she goes to wendnesday class and then end the conversation with : " Ok, you seem short on time.If you want, I'd like to stay in touch with you and get to know you better. Maybe we can be friends!"

Is that good to say?

Is there something better to say?

Can someone rephrase it if its bad?

Am I a creep for that?

Or should I say I like her romanticly?


4 Answers

+1 vote

oh? people asking duke for love advice? this is new.teeth_smile

by (954k points)
0 votes
by (116k points)
Yeah Duke Silver can help
+1 vote
You should say this:

You: Hey, you're Celia...right?

*Wait for her to answer*

You: Oh, okay! You know, I was wondering if we could keep in touch. Talk during lunch or something like that. Maybe we can become friends! You seem like a really lovely person.

*Then the conversation just kind of runs it's course*

You - Closing: Okay! It was nice to talk to you. I hope to nice chat like this one with you again.
+1 vote
by (137k points)
I do kinda want to know what dukesilver had to say about this...

(And no, I don't have any advice for your situation because I've never had success with Love)
by (954k points)
You mean you don’t love yourself? Because love comes in many forms, not just romance.
by (137k points)
Lol, I've always been taught to Love myself, and I very much do, but in the most humility and meekness I can muster, without pride.
by (954k points)
So you DO have success in love.
by (137k points)
I guess, :3


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