+5 votes
in Books / General by (215k points)

Chapter 2, The torture center


"What? Ya know the rule, ladies first," He said with a smirk, shoving me forward even more.

"UGGGGGH!!! I AM NOT A WOMAN YOU LITTLE-" I walked towards him, screaming some threats that I know KS won't allow. 

Suddenly, his mom walked in and we both yelped, scrambling back to our spots. We were going to try to see what was going on with the moms, but we didn't want them to see us. We were hoping to spy on them, but that chance was gone now. "What's going on? I've already have had a bad day, I don't need more drama," She grumbled, grabbing a bag of Fun Size Hersheys. She sighed, and grabbed 16 or more chocolate bars. Liam gasped. "What?? You're acting like she's swallowing fire, dude," I muttered. 

Leo was still sobbing (quite babyish, if you ask me) even though his mom's stopped arguing about an hour and a half ago. I walked to the door, stopping to peer through, but as soon as he glanced my way, I speedwalked away. In my room, I packed my textbooks and school supplies to get ready for my first day of 9th grade.

The next day, I trudged to my bus stop. When I walked in, the bus driver greeted me with a warm smile. "Good morning to you, sir," he said. "Um, I'm not a b-" I started but I got interupted by some annoying girls shoving me so I could move. I sighed heavily and collapsed into my seat, frowning scarily. This was gonna be a bad day.

At the school, I had to use the bathroom, so I ran to it. I went into the girl's bathroom, and 2 girls were applying a heavy amount of lipstick. "Wrong bathroom, genius," the one with curly hair snarled. "I'm not a boy. I'm a.... Uhh.... Umm.. Uhhhhhhhmmmmmm..............." I hesitated. "You don't know you're own gender," the blonde one scoffed. "What Einstein's we're meeting today, Mika." "I know, Maddi." I felt my cheeks blush hard and I covered them. "We can tell you're a girl," Mika said pointing to my chest. I covered my chest and blushed even harder. "I'm not a girl, or a boy. I'm just a person." I winced as I waited for a nasty reply. "Oh my freaking God, Mika, she's a non-pinary or whatever." I opened my mouth to correct her but she just grabbed my arm. "You don't belong here, whatever you're name is, because we don't tolerate freaks." Her words stung me.

 I just couldn't find my confidence. Usually I would've slapped somebody talking to me like that, but I just couldn't.

 "Oh my- she- MADDDDDDIIIi!!! LOOK AT HER BOOTS, OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She whispered into her friends ear and Maddi said, "Shut. Up. This. SECOND!!!!" She lunged towards me and I backed away fast enough for her to slam her overly makeup-ified face onto the hard tile floor. ''Oooooof... That must've hurt," I said. She stood up slowly and said, "You'll, like, totally regret that." Then it all wen't black.


3 Answers

0 votes


by (117k points)
They are non binary
0 votes
by (130k points)
I'm excited for part 3!
0 votes
by (117k points)


I have so many questions

Like is Kaylianna ok?

What happened with Leo and Liam’s mom’s?

Thank you for making another part!

Kay slays with those boots by the way.
by (215k points)
1. yes ze twist of ze plot UwU

2. you'll just have to waaaait

3. read the last chapter to see what happened

4. Np!!!

5. I agree
by (117k points)
I know what happened with them, but I was wondering if they are getting a divorce?
by (215k points)
oh okay but you'll seee

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