+11 votes
in Important Studios by (528k points)

Welcome! This will be a happier post, one that celebrates twenty chapters of Everpane!

Thank you guys so much for your support and kind words throughout this series. I hope to see many books in the bright future ahead :D

You may have noticed that, in the twentieth chapter, I used foreign language. That was entirely translated, as I do not know any other languages x3

I'm trying to get more diverse in culture! Patton has a lot of German and English in him, so his family speaks a lot of German. They also speak Yiddish, but I couldn't find a good translator for that.

Let's see if you can figure out what Nicolas's father said and what foreign language he said it in :]

I'm going to be using a lot of foreign language, because it's fun to do that x3

Also, be honest, did you click on the words and translate them when you read them? I have a feeling you did a-=D

But seriously, thank you guys for all of the love you've given this story. I could have never done this without you :]

As always,

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

0 votes
by (137k points)
Best answer

Well, I should've translated what he said. But I do know that it should be in Italian.

by (528k points)
Ding ding ding!

You're correct :D
0 votes
by (782k points)
Ooh hes German

That's cool

- your local Nordic Chaos kid

- Carly
by (528k points)
Yesh :D

Does that mean something? :3


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