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Ok so this guy likes me let's call him James he has liked me for about 6 months now and everyone knows but in the last month I got really close with him I used not talk to him but that changed warning this might be long . I was in a sleepover with my friend let's call her lia and she has Snapchat and I don't and we were board and she has his snap to we started texting him and what was supposed to be a quick text back and forth turned in to calling until three in the morning and sending really weird videos of us dancing with no music and that kind of thing and then we decided to ask him to meet up and  lia panicked and tried to delete it instead a typed in extra letters and it went as do u want to meet boo and we died of laughter  and we met up the next day and it was really fun except for the part where he showed up an hour late  but that was all fine we met again twice two weeks later and we added him in to the group chat and he is really nice and when I was stuck in  a country for 19 hours after the plane got delayed we stayed up chatting from 4 pm -6am  and ya now here is the problem everyone was like u like him back even though I don't, I think. because today at school this group was gossiping and asked this girl let's call her Mary and lia asked her if Orange asked u out what would u say and she said she would and I was like tell me who Orange is and they said James and I got really jealous . He does not know that Mary likes him or wants to go out with him and he is jealous because I go to an acting class and I'm the only girl and there are like 8 boys and they like me and want to make a move ( found out from there friends telling me ) and I told him and now he is jealous but idk if i like him like he is not my type but I might like him please help

1 Answer

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by (3.3k points)

Legit same fr me! Sry He keeps trying to make me budge its annoying I tell him to stop because I am less likely to say yes if asked repetedly but secretly I think that I tell him to stop because I might say yes.plotting

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