+11 votes
in Artist Directories by (774k points)

After 4 hours of long work, suffering, listening to Scandinavian Music, getting annoyed by my cousins, and being fueled by IKEA meatballs and Cheezeits... it came

So, I decided to draw a Finnish couple... BUT NO, NOT A NORMAL FINNISH COUPLE a 17th century Finnish couple. I already did a drawing of a Modern Finnish couple once in April, but since im a histoy kiddo why not.

The Girl is drawn using Gel Pens which are bought at Sam's club. I actually used to LOVE these when I was 12. and because I was a devious little child back then, I filled large spaces with these so a lot of these pens were dead. these pens are for taking notes and doodling I ran out blue for this drawing. Also, if you look at the details closer it looks like it was done with play-doh, which wasnt.

Also, the yellow died. However, I revived it by mixing it with premade watercolor, and it worked. in some areas it looked great, like in her lower half of her hair, and it other ones it looked StInkY wInKy like in the top part of her hair, where you can see her hairband

The boy is drawn using colored pencils. I used to work a lot with colored pencils, but now I hate them. because I am a cheap kid, I used crayola pencils. These arent as a nightmare as Prismacolors (which I hate using) I will rate these a 6/10. (The gel pens get a 7/10)

Now, this is a gel pen drawing I made back in 2022. It looks cute, so I decided to put it here. this is one of the old drawings I have I actually like

Also, I am working on a drawing for the arrival of winter, I am planning to draw a Sámi boy (cuz there is a Sámi town which appearently is Santa's home, so therefore Santa is Sámi) with a girl dressed as St Lucia (Cuz St Lucia is in 20 days, uff da!) so yeah.


FÄRVAL  (Swedish goodbye)

- Your local Nordic chaos, Carly

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (166k points)
Best answer
What do you use to draw then
by (774k points)
I already explained.
+1 vote
by (137k points)
+1 vote
+1 vote
by (774k points)
Boost squad
+2 votes
by (116k points)

also, can we get a reference reveal? I want to see your inspiration (what did you listen to, the drawing reference etc)

Also, can I see the original Finland drawing?
by (774k points)


This is my reference..found this on Pinterest. Credit to original artist 

And this is my inspiration. These 2 albums

blame my rizzing skills on the 2nd album. Johanna is talented and should be protected at all costs

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