+5 votes
in Books by
just give me a plot, characters, genre and a problem and i will write it!

it can be anything! i've made four popular books so i know it will be at least good!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (544k points)
Something MC

All the default skins ( mainly steve)

Adventure fiction

ill have it done by Tuesday :D
i looked to Alex who clutched her sword tightly, and her iron boots show the bright reflection of the sun that was slowly sinking below the horizon. "Are you ready?" i asked her. she nodded, obviously terrified of the upcoming adventure, "Steve, i want you to have this." she said pulling a golden apple out of her inventory. she placed it on the floor and i picked up the golden fruit. "i know we can do this!" i smiled, "yeah, we can!" i pulled out my sword and grabbed Alex's hand and together we jumped into the ominous portal. the mighty roar of the Ender Dragon rung in my ears. i looked to Alex and she had a bright smile on her face as she gripped her sword tighter, "let's do this!"

Part 2?!?!?
by (544k points)
i'll work on it soon!! how would you rate part 1?
+1 vote
by (776k points)
something very Nordic

im the main character

chaos happens

lol idk

Realistic/Historical fiction
ill have it done by monday!
I'm not very educated in the Nordic history, could you give me a bit of info? <3
by (776k points)
r e s e a r c h
im limited by only SafeSearch, theres not much you can really research if im not allowed on any other sites 0-0
by (776k points)
just find safesearch sites on Nordic history. Are you looking for a specific era?
i dont really know. could you be more specific on the era?
by (776k points)
well, what era of Nordic history do you want

Prehistory ~ <790 AD

Viking Age ~ 795-1100

Nordic Medieval Age ~ 1100-1200

Kalmar Union ~ 1300 - 1500

Liberty age ~ 1600-1700

beginning of Scandinavian-American history 1800~1900 (This is my fave era but idrc what era you do)

Early Modern History ~ 1910s- 1950s

Modern Nordic era ~ 1970s and present
i've just started to work on it! :D
to confirm, whats your gender?
by (776k points)

Nordic_Geneaolagist, 1400.

In 1000 Leif Erikson sailed to America. Now, I’ve only heard mere stories of this. And we don’t even know if he made it. In 1397 Queen Margret I of Denmark created the Kalmar Union, merging Sweden, Denmark, and Norway into unison. And the only thing memorable I’ve done is bring three pales of water back to my family at one time. but I wanted to change that. It was 1400, and I was embarking on a journey. I was going to be the first Woman to sail to America.

Part 2?

by (776k points)
by (776k points)

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