+9 votes
in Viking Diaries by (776k points)

Here is your daily song btw

Jumps from da Void 

Buorres Vikings sami-flag

so, this is the tale of 2 Best friends. one who is a chaotic Autistic Teenage girl who loves Scandinavia, and the other another Chaotic Teenage Girl who also loves Scandinavia. Me and Nihara

so it was a chaotic day at school, It was indoor recess and I HATE Indoor rescess. Why? Sensory Overloads.

So, Nihara and I did this Alternative Nordic History roleplay because we are cool kids. And we had a very goofy chat

Carly (ME) : I shall make Finland Danish teritorry

Nihara : Well, Nah. I will give you only Helsinki

Me : I declare war on  J ä m t l a n d

Nihara : why Jämtland that's random


Nihara : yes, Also Minnesota is Scandinavia

Me : Minnesota is Scandinavia.

Nihara : Says the one who likes The Emigrants Novels

Me : Says the one who's dad works at 23andme (It is true, Nihara's dad works at 23andme)

Lesson. Never let Nihara do an Alternate History roleplay. anyways, im at schoolio which isnt coolio. At least my Sweden coloring book is coming today

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (117k points)
Best answer
Nihara is chaos

Carly is Chaos

by (776k points)
we're all chaoses lol
by (953k points)
I am not only chaos but random, too.

by (776k points)
No, Minnesota is Scandinavia
by (953k points)
There’s Scandinavian people in every state.

Therefore, Earth is Scandinavia.
by (776k points)

true dat

But Texas isnt known for Scandinavia

(were learning about Scandinavian-American Immigration to Texas so Y I P P E  tho)

by (953k points)
Neither is Florida.
by (776k points)
We are all Scandinavia
by (953k points)
Yes. Except some obscure island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
About the song, I may be discovering a new genre of music. Also, we have daily songs now?

And, yes, I can agree that that's very goofy.
by (776k points)

it is still Nordic folk, and yes I will be including a Nordic song at every Viking Diaries entry

did ya smash the up button

by (166k points)


by (953k points)
Let’s go! Alan Walker!
by (166k points)
by (776k points)

We live

We love

We Lie


0 votes
by (776k points)
comitts boost


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