+10 votes
in Holidays and Events by (584k points)

Today is Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday that celebrates "the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem" (internet sourced) and is kind of similar to the (originally Christian) holiday of Christmas, but Hanukkah lasts eight days and involves lighting the menorah, among other traditions that make Hanukkah very unique in its own holiday!

I just wanted to bring attention to it! Happy Hanukkah!

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

Thank youveososo mch im jewish and everyone hates me this means a lot ❣
by (584k points)
Oh no! Anti-Semitism is an awful practice... I'm sorry you have to go through that.

I'm glad I could make your day :]
Thank you so much! I am so delighted that I meet one person who doesn't hate us! You are a good person nobodyimportant! Especially with this Isreal war it is just heartbreaking for jews today
by (584k points)
I love spreading the word of equality and I hate discrimination against any race, ethnic group, religion, LGBTQIA+ preference, etc. You, your culture, your religion, your family, your tradition, your heritage, EVERYTHING is awesomesauce. It is what makes all of us different. It's what makes the world go 'round. You're human!

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise :]
We just lit the merorah!
by (584k points)
That's great! :D
The k you nobody important you made my week!
Thank you nobody important your name does not match who u r u r important
by (584k points)

You're a million times welcome! heart

And thank you, that means a lot to me :]

❤u r amazing! Finally someone who understands!

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (117k points)
Do you celebrate it, Nobi?
by (584k points)
No, I'm not Jewish. But I wanted to bring attention to this wonderful holiday!
by (117k points)
ah ok
0 votes
by (360k points)
its cool you recognize it! my best friend celebrates Hannukah!! <3
by (584k points)
That's awesomesauuuuuce!
0 votes
by (1.12m points)
I also don’t celebrate Hanukkah, but one of my friends does!

Happy Hanukkah to you too!
by (584k points)
That's okay, you don't have to be Jewish to acknowledge the holiday :]

Happy Hanukkah!
+1 vote
by (139k points)

happy Hanukkah!

my dads side of the fam is Jewish and my moms side is Catholic so we celebrate broth Hanukkah and Christmas.

btw, Hanukkah is completely different from Christmas. It is celebrating the miracle of the oil lamp. There was a war against the Greeks and Jews and the Greeks wrecked the Jews sinaguage. (basically a Jewish church- also I think I spelled it wrong) so the oil was only supposed to last one night in the oil lamp, but it lasted eight.
by (584k points)
I know that, but it is similar in some ways.

Thanks for letting me know, this is some really important information :D

Happy Hanukkah!
+1 vote
by (247k points)
Yay Hanukkah. Thank you nobodyimportant for pointing out it was Hanukkah today
by (584k points)
You're welcome! It's a very nice holiday :]
+1 vote
by (168k points)
I don't celebrate it, but Happy Hanukkah!
by (584k points)
Me neither, but I wanted to make a post respecting the holiday since it was brought to my attention that today was Hanukkah :D
Happy Hanukkah!
Well i celebrate it and everyone hates me fir it
by (168k points)
I don't hate you for it.
by (584k points)
That's not good. I'm guessing that the hate is because of anti-Semitism...

Are you Jewish?
Yes I am Jewish the hate is so hard thank you both for not hating me!
by (584k points)
Your culture and everything about you is great, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise! You're human just like the rest of us :]
0 votes
by (879k points)
Happy hanukkah, I am Not Jewish but one of my mom's friends is
by (584k points)
I'm not Jewish, either, but I like to bring attention to these things because they are apart of some other people's culture! :]
by (879k points)
on December 13th, can you do a post for St. Lucia?

(The Swedish Holiday, Not the Island)
by (584k points)
'Course, whatever you guys want!
I think you are importanat
by (584k points)

Aww, thank you heart

Ur welcome!
by (879k points)
hey Nobi, I have an idea. Everytime you make like a holiday post, also congrat some of the users who celebrate it. Inga, Mihkkel and my Cousin Logan celebrate St Lucia
by (584k points)
Okay then :]

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