+6 votes
in Personal by (61.1k points)
Some of her classmate(s) from previous grade told a rumor about her to one of the boys so she is freakin out. The rumor was that she likes (insert name here), when she likes someone else from a different country (not gonna tell the name of country cuz that might start a fight, let's just say the country starts with an I and ends with an L and has r a e in between. Also she met him on omegle) I'm saying she should stop crushing on that omegle boy who also has a little crush on her because he is not the same religion and he hates our religion(but that's not the problem). My bestie wants to figure out who told the rumor. How do I even solve these 2 problems. Help!

2 Answers

0 votes

tell her if she doesn't stop talking to him you will move to a new countrylaughing-tears

by (117k points)
Bluffton, Indiana.
0 votes
by (360k points)
ik where he is from now! >:D

also, stick up for her!! say the rumors aren't true, and if the people still think tha, you shouldn't care, you know what's true and what's not., I'm sorry. i lost interest at Omeagle-

but, you could learn a little bit more abt his religion, and they could talk abt it with each other so they can better understand the conflict. (ik that wasnt a problem, but there is some solid advice anyway)

problem #2, don't go looking'. i swear, i did that a few months ago and i got grounded. and got into a fistfight. so yeah. you can try and look, but you'll most likely end up not finding the person. (sorry to sound like a downer-)
i hope i helped at least a bit!! <3


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