+11 votes
in Random Posts by (774k points)
it has been a week since Funsies day.

The day of the funsie

Where a group of unfortunate 7th graders had to learn about Scandinavian-American Immigration

Only 2 kids were managed to survive

Funsies day : rated S for Scandinavia

I made Funsies day sound like a hororr Movie. lol

anyways... The day after funsies day, I became a billionaire, Bought a Immortality potion, bought 23andme and moved to Sápmi

Just Kidding... The day after funsies day was help day, which meant we helped each with our work. I ended up helping every student and became rich

I got a 90 in my project, which IDK why since I did an all-nighter and I even wrote an extra essay. I guess that now I wasted a lot of brain storage on that. rip.

I am surprised the IT guy did not kill me while I was researching. I  use another computer to research,  but the wikipedia article on Swedish-Americans was BANNED DUE TO "VIOLENT THREATS"

meanwhile  JapanPeach's school is observing St Lucia and having funsies, I am stuck here having to listen to Santa tell me by Ariana Grande while having to read dork diaries. nightmare of a school right?

At least I am free tomorrow.


5 Answers

+1 vote
by (950k points)
Best answer
meanwhile in my school, we have a substitute teacher in my 3rd, 4th, and 5th period class today and i got a lot of free time and 5 school currency for finishing my work early

i am using my free time to check kidztalk and kidznet

also my school is only acknowledging christmas


how is a wikipedia article on swedish-americans a violent threat? the tech guy is CRAZY
by (774k points)

Tech guy has beef with both Swedish-Americans and Sámis 

Why. Why Why

did you smash the upvote buttin

by (950k points)

Don’t forget most other cultures…

I deleted the upvote button.

by (774k points)
He only seems to like Americans and Hispanics-
I am Hispanic but there are more cultures sir
by (523k points)
Yeah, like Native American! :[
by (774k points)

he dosen't have beef with them

but somehow he has beef with the Sámi

by (523k points)

To the NA thing, that's good that he doesn't have beef with them.

Otherwise, we would have some problems otherwise, that would be bad.

The Sami thing is not cool... I think x3

by (774k points)
I already have beef with him for having beef with the Sámi

if you have beef with the Sámi, Please never talk to me unless you stop having beef with the Sámi
by (950k points)
You mean I can’t eat burgers with Sámi people?
by (774k points)
I meant like if you openly show dislike towards the Sámi
by (950k points)

Yeah, I know.

by (774k points)
0 votes
Why don't you like santa tell me it's such a good song
by (774k points)
because Im a Nordic Historian who exclusively listens to music in Nordic languages other than some exceptions and also my school hates Scandinavia
+1 vote
by (116k points)

I made Funsies day sound like a hororr Movie. lol

I was totally thinking the same thing laughing-tears

by (774k points)
Funsies day : the movie
+1 vote
by (116k points)
I can't smash that buttin
0 votes
by (774k points)

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