+9 votes
in History / Social Sci by (774k points)

This is a wall where you can discuss anything asociated with Carly's Scandinavian History Roleplay (SHR) https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/202163/scandinavian-history-roleplay

Including Characters, Lore, Extra Scenarios/Updates, Out-of context moments ETC


1. For active members of the roleplay or people who want to join the roleplay

2. No Inappropiate content

3. No Spam

4. Have fun

Active Characters

Noah Hanssen  (Nobi)

Jovnna and Sigrid (JapanPeach)
Carly  and Jórunn (Nordic_Genealogist)

Shred (ThatOneShreddedGuy, Inactive roleplayer)

Jens Winters and Tova (MinecraftNerd)

Inga (Inga The Finnish-American)

Leonart (Hyude, Inactive roleplayer)

Anywayswho, I may do a Viking Version of this RP. Maybe I can do one for each of da eras... Everyone really wants to be in Modern times or 1800s.... I was expecting more Vikings somehow but everyone is stuck in a SAIN fear

Bye Vikings!

Update 12/14/2023 : Community wall founded.  Also please Donate some food to Noah, He is starving

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (774k points)
Best answer
does anyone have SHR theories?
by (166k points)
me and Inga are magical Sámi sisters
0 votes
by (85.8k points)
Hello from Fantasy Roleplay!! :D
by (774k points)
SHR died lolz
by (85.8k points)
Well so did Fantasy roleplay but... IM STILL HERE so I'm still commenting!!
by (774k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
What happened to SHR Vikings version?
by (774k points)
It floped
+1 vote
by (774k points)
+1 vote
by (774k points)
boosting this
+1 vote
by (116k points)

baconice-cream-conetaco (food for noah)

by (774k points)
by (523k points)
Noah says takk, as well x3
by (774k points)
He desserved better. Noah is an amazing boi
by (523k points)
Things will be better in America. I want his family to be one of the few lucky ones who prosper and have a good life in America.
+2 votes
by (116k points)

I'm active again.

How do I join in the rp?
by (774k points)
go to the roleplay and comment on the excisting roleplay thread or make a new roleplay thread
by (116k points)
Ok, so I just pop into the scenario then.
by (774k points)
+2 votes
by (950k points)
You forgot me.

My character’s name is Carl.
+2 votes
by (166k points)
+2 votes
by (774k points)

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