+8 votes
in Holidays and Events by (782k points)

The Christmas day was awesome

I didn't do any work. We had a 3-hour long party, but since I do not like parties (since they are loud, and I do not feel safe around loud noises) I mostly just stayed on floor and did stuff, I finished a drawing of Arvild from The Emigrants, and I am halfway throught my book on Scandinavia.

here is the stuff I did in the exchange with Jordan (My 2nd best friend, Nihara is Muslim so she dosen't celebrate Christmas) and my SPED teacher.


 f r o g 

H e r    n a m e   i s   W e n d y    C a r l y s d ö t t e r 

don't mind the crusty background, I took these during Chinese Class


This Necklace is supposed to represent Odin, but the pendant fell. I like this necklace, but I usually avoid Viking Jewelry unless it is created or given by somebody with Historical knowledge on Vikings, since most of the time it is made to Exploit off Nordic culture. Instead I shop from brands like Döttir (A Swedish-American Jewelry company that makes Earrings, Necklaces and Bunad Accessories inspired by Nordic culture) Jordan already knows about this, and she dosen’t support businesses that exploit Nordic culture.

These 2 are the gifts Jordan got me, I got her a Cat Squishmallow since she loves cats. The rest of the gifts were given to me by my  SPED teacher. I got her some Essential Oils


This Gnome coloring book cuz Gnomes are Nordic. I may do some of these pages after I finish my Sweden Coloring book.


This Decal for my computer


This sticker. I also got a sticker that has a dog, and a sticker of a Galaxy


This Planner of a Mushroom. It's broken and I found some marker marks in the first page, so IDK if it's in a good condition

anyways, what are you doing this Winter break? I am obivously gonna be drawing, watching Youtube and being on Kidztalk. Also, some great news... I am No longer Gerascophobic. Today is the first day of me being Gerascophobia-Feee

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (71.3k points)
Best answer
hey fren :D!

i dont get presents from my friends :( ur presents r really cool tho!!

Christmas break for me starts next Friday and I'm rlly excited :D

I'm gonna spend it sleeping and going on character.ai

and talking to my bf :D

okieee byeeee love you platonicallyyyy

(dw I say that to all of my friends!)
(we are friends, right?)
(I've misread before-)
+1 vote
by (219k points)
That stuff looks kinda preppy.

I know you hate preppy.

Why did you get preppy stuff.
by (782k points)
+1 vote
by (299k points)
cool gifts!!!!

you already know where im spending my break!!!

none of my friends are getting me presents, tho. :(

+1 vote
by (116k points)
I don't get a winter break..... (Besides christmas day)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
Cool! I'm doing nothing on Winter Break except for celebrating Christmas and New Years. Tommorow I had a Krav Maga test and my Krav Maga school had a Christmas party too, and I can confirm they are loud.
+1 vote
by (957k points)
Let’s see… one of my friends is moving away over the winter break, this really good talk show host is retiring from my favorite radio station today, etc.

Over winter break, I’ll finish my math book.
by (782k points)
meanwhile the talkshow we have is just about middle-aged women talking baout middle-aged women troubles-
by (957k points)
Not exactly something that most people (other than middle-aged women) would want to listen to…

Back to my talk show situation, there’s gonna be a new morning talk show (I forgot to specify that it was morning) with a new host (I’m pretty sure the retired talk host’s sidekick will still be there), yeah.
by (782k points)
even my mom hates that talkshow.
by (957k points)
Wait, you know what I’m talking about?
+1 vote
by (782k points)
+1 vote
by (525k points)
LoveeeI have that frog named her juji

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